Office of the President
Office of the President
Betsy Oudenhoven, President
B.S., St. Lawrence University; M.A., University of Colorado - Boulder; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago
Tami Morrissey, Executive Assistant to the President
Tricia Johnson, Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.A., M.Ed.; University of Central Oklahoma; Ed.D., University of Denver
Angela Marquez, Vice President of Student Affairs
B.S., M.A., M.L.S., Regis University; Ph.D., Colorado State University
George Noe, Vice President of Administrative Services
B.A., St. Mary's University
Christopher Ward, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
B.A., Concordia College; M.Div., San Francisco Theological Seminary M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Cindy Hesse, Director of Human Resources
B.S., Colorado State University
Quill Phillips, Special Assistant to the President for Inclusive Excellence
B.S., Colorado State University; M.A. Michigan State University