2020-2021 Catalog

Early Childhood Education Transfer Major, A.A.

Program is designed for students wanting to complete the first 2 years of a bachelor's degree at the community college and transfer to a university to complete a BA or BS with licensure in Early Childhood Teacher Education. Child development is explored. Licensure requires a bachelor's degree. The ECE program prepares you for a career in teaching children (birth to age 5). The program can also prepare you to become an Early Childhood Teacher or director in the field of Early Childhood Education. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the care and well-being of young children, be free from evidence of physical and mental illness, and be free from personal conduct that may be injurious to children as stated in the Colorado Rules and Regulations for Child Care Centers, section 7. 702. 51. This program prepares students to become a productive, caring and responsible teacher. Classes emphasize child development skills in the areas of language, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Classes also focus on cultural diversity among children. Students will become familiar with theories concerning child development and ECE, and will participate in many group discussions and hands-on activities that they can apply in the preschool classroom. Students will learn from qualified faculty members who believe in the success of each ECE student. 

Degree Requirements: 60 credits

General Education Requirements 33 credits

English and Communication

(6 credits – GT-CO1, GT-CO2)

ENG 121English Composition I (GT-CO1)


ENG 122English Composition II (GT-CO2)



(4 credits)

MAT 120Mathematics for Liberal Arts: GT-MA1


Arts and Humanities

(6 credits)

Select two courses:

Choose one of the following:

ART 110Art Appreciation (GT-AH1)


MUS 120Music Appreciation (GT-AH1)


THE 105Theatre Appreciation (GT-AH1)





Choose one of the following:

LIT 115Introduction to Literature (GT-AH2)


LIT 255Children's Literature (GT-AH2)


Social and Behavioral Sciences

(6 credits)

GEO 105World Regional Geography (GT-SS2)


PSY 101General Psychology I (GT-SS3)



(3 credits)

Select one course:

HIS 121US History to Reconstruction (GT-HI1)


HIS 122US History Since Civil War (GT-HI1)


Natural and Physical Sciences

(8 Credits)

SCI 155Integrated Science I - Physics and Chemistry (GT-SC1)


SCI 156Integrated Science II - Earth and Life Science (GT-SC1)


Note: students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 155 and SCI 156 to satisfy the gtPathways science requirement.

Early Childhood Education Requirements: 18 credits

ECE 101Introduction to Early Childhood Education


ECE 102Introduction to Early Childhood Education Techniques


ECE 103Guidance Strategies for young Children


ECE 220Curriculum Development: Methods and Techniques


ECE 238ECE Child Growth & Development


ECE 256Working with Parents, Families, and Community Systems


Electives: 9 credits


Electives may be chosen from any gtPathways course or any non-gtPathways courses listed in the AA/AS degree core electives list.

Electives determined by transfer institution. Please see your Pathways Advisor for more information.  Electives by institution can be found at https://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Transfers/Agreements/STAA_ECE_Final_Agreement.pdf.  Please contact transfer institution early in the program.