2015-2016 Catalog

Student Success Center

CTC, Student Success Centre, Room S101

The mission of the Student Success Center is to promote student success through dedicated support in an inclusive and authentic academic community. The following programs are housed in the Student Success Center:

  • Transfer Success Program - serves students interested in completing their associate’s degree and transferring to a four year college to earn a bachelor’s degree.
  • TRiO Student Support Services - serves first generation college students who are designated as low income or who have a documented disability.
  • Partner Programs - the Student Success Center also serves cohorts of students who receive a third-party scholarship, such as Mile High United Way, Denver Scholarship Foundation, GEAR Up and the Daniels Fund. Additionally, the Center provides support for all CCA students participating in the ASCENT program.

The goal of each program is to help students meet their individual college goals through degree completion, transfer and/or career exploration. Capacity in these programs is limited and students wishing to participate must complete an application and participate in a brief interview. Students participating in these programs are expected to meet with an assigned advisor regularly, participate in workshops and other center events (fall and spring welcome back events), utilize tutoring and participate in the AAA 101 course where appropriate. To find out more about our programs and to learn how to get involved stop by the Student Success Center in the Student Centre Room S101.