Admission Categories

Minimum admissions requirements have been established for each program of study. Students shall be admitted to Columbus Technical College in one of the following categories: Regular, Special, Pending, or Transient.

Regular Admit: Students who meet all requirements for admission into a selected program and are eligible to take all courses in the program curriculum are classified as regular-admit students.


The College strongly encourages students to complete all required Learning Support courses as soon as possible. Ideally, students should complete all required Learning Support courses during the first or second semester of school. Students may not graduate from any program of study while in provisional status.


Special Admit: The College classifies non-award-seeking students as special-admit students. Financial aid is not available to students in this status. A maximum of 17 semester credit hours taken under this status may be applied toward a specific program for award-seeking purposes after students attain regular-admission status. Students may not graduate from any program of study while in special-admit status. Students in special-admit status may enroll in classes only on a space-available basis and should adhere to the specific institutional prerequisite requirements when selecting courses.

Pending Admit (High School Seniors only): Applicants who are in their final year of high school and are applying for a college term immediately after they graduate are granted Pending Admit Status. Applicants must submit a transcript showing the applicant is on track for completing all required high school courses before the semester they wish to enroll. These applicants are not eligible for federal financial aid until a final high school transcript has been received.

Transient: Students who submit a Transient Agreement Letter from their home institution are granted Transient admission status. The Transient Agreement Letter should verify that the student is in good standing and should list the courses the student is eligible to take. A current Transient Agreement Letter is required for each term of enrollment.