HDCI Workforce Career Entry, Certificate - HWC1

The HDCI Workforce Career Entry TCC will provide a clear pathway for HSE students to enter into a credit program and successfully pursue an Entry-Level Workforce TCC in a High Demand Career field. Students will receive academic preparation as well as an award in one of the High Demand Career fields at the TCC level. Adult Education students will also be able to use this pathway for CPH completion when used in conjunction with an additional HDCI and Basic Entry-Level TCC.

Degree Requirements

Requirements List

ENGL 1010Fundamentals of English I


COMP 1000Introduction to Computer Literacy


MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics


EMPL 1000Interpersonal Relat & Prof Dev


Total Credit Hours:11

Basic Entry Level Workforce Certificate

Any Basic Entry Level Workforce Certificate in a High Demand Career Initiative field.
Total Credit Hours:9

Total Credit Hours: 20