Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Qualitative Measure GPA (Achievement)

Students receiving financial aid must meet the following cumulative grade point average, based on long terms (fall and spring) completed. Repeated course work grades will effect qualitative measures by looking only at the most recent grade earned.

1 long term: 1.650 grade average

2 long terms: 1.750 grade average

3 long terms: 1.850 grade average

4 long terms: 1.930 grade average

5 long terms: 1.970 grade average

6 or more long terms: 2.00 grade average

Quantitative Measure (Pace)

Students receiving financial aid must also satisfactorily complete 67% of all hours attempted. All attempted hours will be totaled and multiplied by 67% (.67) to determine the number of credit hours a student must have earned. Grades of U, WU, WP, I, W, AU, NC, and transfer hours are counted as attempted hours and will NOT count as earned hours. Repeated courses will be included in the attempted hours total. Centre College does not offer remedial courses, so they are not included in either the hours attempted or the hours earned.

Maximum Time Frame (Duration)

The maximum time frame in which a student must complete his or her degree cannot exceed more than 150% of the length of their academic program. Centre College requires a minimum of 110 credit hours to complete the degree. Therefore, Centre students can attempt up to 165 hours and still be eligible for aid. Once 165 hours are exceeded, aid would be suspended. All repeated courses, failed courses, withdrawals, courses taken from a change in major and transferred hours will count as credit hours attempted toward the maximum time frame.

Consideration of Transfer and Incomplete Course Work

Transfer course work is considered for the quantitative (pace) calculation only with accepted credit. The qualitative (achievement) standards will be based on a transfer student’s status at Centre College based on total credits attempted on their Centre transcript (Centre courses and accepted credits transferred in to Centre.) Incomplete course work will count towards quantitative and duration calculations. If a student has lost eligibility for financial aid because of failure to make satisfactory academic progress all incomplete grades must be resolved prior to determining renewed eligibility for aid.

Due to Centre’s academic structure and graduation requirements, changes of majors do not affect the measures outlined in this policy. Pursuit of a second degree before other graduation requirements are met would increase the duration calculations based on additional course work needed for the second degree. Typically, second bachelor’s degrees are not eligible for federal or institutional aid consideration. These policies apply to all students regardless of enrollment level (full-time, part-time) and to all of our programs.