2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Computer Science Minor for Teacher Certification

Program description:

This minor provides education students with the knowledge to teach K-12 computer science. The focus of the curriculum for this potential cross-endorsement represents the range of knowledge areas necessary to give the computer science background necessary for teaching with this focus. The intent of this curriculum is not to be inclusive of all courses necessary to be a teacher, but rather to provide the computer science content for teachers to understand & appreciate the breadth of computer science and develop the technical knowledge for teaching K-12 computer science.

Teachers will be knowledgeable and experienced in 

  1. Impacts of computing
  2. Computational thinking and problem-solving
  3. User interface design
  4. Programming
  5. Data representation
  6. Structure of the Internet
  7. Ethical issues and constraints of computing


Note: students who wish to apply for a cross-endorsement must make this request to the state Bureau of Certification.  This program does not lead to initial certification.  

Course Requirements (22-23 Credits)

Core Courses

MATH 217Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science


CS 140Survey of Computer Science


CS 151Computer Science I


CS 152Computer Science II


CS 253Data and File Structures


CS 254Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming


TE 350Current Topics in STEM Education



TE 417Robot Design & Construction