2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Fresh Start Policy

At the discretion of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, an undergraduate student whose enrollment at CCSU has been interrupted for 2 or more years and whose GPA is below a 2.0 may be considered for admission under the Fresh Start Policy. Under this option, the Office of the Registrar initiates a new GPA for the returning student at the time of re-entry and uses this new figure for graduation purposes. The Fresh Start admission option is available to undergraduate students who were formerly matriculated at the university and who attempted no more than 60 credits. It is also available to non-matriculated undergraduate students who attempted no more than 30 credits at CCSU. Each case is decided on its own merits, and each decision has advantages and disadvantages. Students returning to the University for full or part-time study after a long interval should consult the Office of Admissions. (see admissions web page for more information and to download the form)