2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Application for Graduation

Degree award and graduation are not automatic. While a student may have completed all applicable course and capstone requirements for his or her program, every degree candidate is required to notify the University about program conclusion by filing a graduate-level Application for Graduation form with the School of Graduate Studies by the due date as listed on the University calendar in the semester in which they intend to graduate. Not submitting an Application for Graduation in a timely manner may result in failure to receive the appropriate degree for the requested semester. Further, if a degree-seeking student fails to finish all requirements by the completion date indicated on the submitted Application for Graduation, a new application must be filed.

Central Connecticut State University confers degrees three times during the academic year: May, August, and December. Students expecting to receive degrees during any of these periods must complete all applicable program requirements by the last official day of the semester or session in which the degree is to be awarded.

Students who anticipate finishing degree requirements during the spring semester (May completion) should submit the Application for Graduation no later than March 1. Students who anticipate finishing degree requirements during the summer sessions (August completion) should submit the Application for Graduation no later than March 15. Students who plan to finish degree requirements during the fall semester (December completion) should submit the Application for Graduation no later than September 15. Graduate-level Application for Graduation forms are available in the Graduate Studies Office and on the website, as well as in other areas on campus. Students must be admitted to a graduate program and complete all degree requirements and meet graduate degree policies in order to be awarded a degree in that program.