TB Testing and Hepatitis B Immunizations

These policies were enacted to protect the health and safety of employees and students who may be exposed to certain biohazards in the campus and clinic working environments.

Tuberculosis Screening

All faculty, staff and students who work or have shifts at Bastyr University clinics are required to be screened for tuberculosis (TB). Bastyr University (Kenmore and California campus) requires annual screening. BCNH requires screening once-upon entry and does not need to be repeated unless there is an outbreak (offsites and preceptorship locations may require additional screening). Two screening options are available: tuberculosis skin test (TST, also called PPD) or QuantiFERON blood test (QFT).

Bastyr provides one TB testing clinic each year at each location (California and Kenmore campus), and all are encouraged to have their screening performed in sync with these week-long clinics, called TB Weeks. Students pay $10 per test toward the cost of their TST during the TB Week clinic, or $20 per test if they make a special appointment at one of the University clinics. QFT is available at LabCorp for an approximate cost of $120 (lab will bill patient or insurance).

If a student gets a positive result on the TST or QFT, s/he will need to get a chest X-ray. A Bastyr physician will refer him/her to get the X-ray. If a chest X-ray is necessary, Bastyr University agrees to pay 50 percent up to $40 toward this cost. A reimbursement form should be completed and is available at the Student Services Resource Center or on MyBU. Request for reimbursement must be received within 60 days of the date of service. Questions regarding TB screening or requests for forms can be addressed to the Clinic Compliance Specialist.

Bastyr personnel are exempt from TB screening if they have documented history of past positive test (TST or QFT) and a chest X-ray within one year of hire/entry. Annual questionnaires are required at Bastyr Clinic.

Hepatitis B Immunizations

The following groups of people are required to provide documentation of either hepatitis B immunization series (3 doses) or immunity to hepatitis B (titer) or complete the online waiver form along with a release of liability: all students in clinical programs, all clinical faculty and all laboratory and operations assistants who are category I (those who have daily exposure to blood or body fluids) and category II (those who have occasional exposure to blood or body fluids).

Bastyr University agrees to pay 50 percent of the cost of the hepatitis B immunization series for students. A reimbursement form should be completed and is available at the Student Services Resource Center or or on MyBU. Request for reimbursement must be received within 60 days of the date of service.

Note: All students are required to pay in full the cost of testing antibody levels for any of the agents listed above, if they choose to check for individual immunity, prior to waiving or taking any immunizations.

Commencement of the immunization series (or submission of a waiver) and TB screening shall occur before the first day of work for all faculty and staff, and before ND, AOM and clinical nutrition students begin their clinic shifts. Hepatitis immunization forms/waivers are distributed to students in one of their required clinical courses. Hepatitis immunization questions can be directed to the Blood Borne Pathogen Safety Officer.

Anyone who has elected to waive the immunization series has the option to change that election, at any time, and take the immunization series and submit documentation to the Clinic Compliance Specialist who will update their record.