CH6111 Chinese Herb Dispensary 2

Two (2) labs are required in the Chinese herbal dispensary at Bastyr Center for Natural Health. These courses provide students with hands-on experience in dispensing Chinese herbal medicinal formulations. This includes the assembly of raw (bulk) herbs, powders, or granule formulas from an herbal prescription provided by a Clinic Supervisor, an herbal student on shift, or a licensed acupuncturist. The student will select the correct ingredients, weigh them out, and package the formula appropriately for dispensing. The course also covers physical identification of herbs, basic sanitation, toxic herbs and safety considerations, and the proper handling of herbs that must be crushed, packaged separately, pre-cooked, or added at the end of the decocting process. The labs can be taken at any time once a student has begun the herbal curriculum. It is recommended that students complete at least one dispensary shift prior to starting Internship II. Two (2) labs are required in the Chinese herbal dispensary at Bastyr Center for Natural Health. These courses provide students with hands-on experience in dispensing Chinese herbal medicinal formulations. This includes the assembly of raw (bulk) herbs, powders, or granule formulas from an herbal prescription provided by a Clinic Supervisor, an herbal student on shift, or a licensed acupuncturist. The student will select the correct ingredients, weigh them out, and package the formula appropriately for dispensing. The course also covers physical identification of herbs, basic sanitation, toxic herbs and safety considerations, and the proper handling of herbs that must be crushed, packaged separately, pre-cooked, or added at the end of the decocting process. The labs can be taken at any time once a student has begun the herbal curriculum. It is recommended that students complete at least one dispensary lab prior to starting Internship II.




Admission into MSAOM or CCHM program
