2021-2022 Undergraduate General Catalog

PHYS - Physics

PHYS 120 From Atoms To Stars: History of Science (WT)

A mark of a great book is that everyone knows the ideas it contains even if most may not know that the book exists. Such is the case with Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s influence is felt every time one speaks of a “paradigm shift” or “disruption in the marketplace”. This course examines revolutionary periods in western science in cultural and intellectual context, from ancient Greece, to the transformative periods of 16th and 17th century Europe, to modern revolutions in quantum theory, cosmology, complexity, and biology. Students will investigate the applicability of Kuhn’s model in each situation. A study, designed for non-science majors, of developments in scientific thinking from Aristotle to Einstein. The focus of the course is on the transition from Aristotelian, to Newtonian, to Modern Physics. This course does not have a lab component.



PHYS 140 Energy and the Environment (SI)

The hardest part of energy problems are the associated environmental costs. The most difficult part of our environmental challenge is energy demand. Energetic processes are governed by strict physical laws and tend to increase the disorder of physical systems. Traditionally, these processes have used highly efficient but increasingly limited natural resources. Against this backdrop we are called to “love your neighbor as yourself”. As society seeks to move to more sustainable energy sources and deal with the consequences of previous energy related practices, this course will examine the complexities involved in balancing physical, moral, environmental, economic, and international policy aspects of the energy challenge.




Natural Science course


somewhat related to past CIVT 203 course but adapted for larger class

PHYS 142 Let There Be Light (SI)

Light surrounds us and informs our daily life.  In this course for non-physics majors, we will examine many aspects of light and its impact on the world around us.  We will begin by studying geometric optics - the optics of shadows, lenses, fiber optics, and rainbows. We will then move onto wave optics - the optics of anti-reflective coatings, pointillism, and polarized sunglasses.  Finally, we will wrap up by considering the quantum mechanical nature of light - the physics behind solar power, LASERs, and optical tweezers. As we study these topics, emphasis will be placed on the everyday applications of the physics concepts and their impact on the world.




One course from Science in the Natural World

PHYS 190 Astronomy (NS)

A survey of our current knowledge about the physical universe. Designed for the student interested in such topics as the solar system, nova, comets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, black holes, extraterrestrial life and who wants to increase his or her knowledge of our place in the cosmos. Includes observations of the night sky. 



PHYS 197 Topics:

Selected topics offered on sufficient demand. Topics include partifcle physics, atomic and molecular physics, acoustics, biophysics, and solid state physics.



PHYS 199 Independent Study

Independent study of topics approved by department.


1- 4

PHYS 201 Physics for Life Sciences I (NS)

This is an introductory physics course with an emphasis on life science applications. Calculus will be used primarily for motivation of concepts and will be introduced as necessary. Topics include motion, dynamics, and force laws, conservation of momentum and energy, fluids, and thermodynamics.



PHYS 202 Physics for Life Sciences II

This is an introductory physics course with an emphasis on life science applications. Calculus will be used primarily for motivation of concepts and be developed in the course as necessary. Topics include electricity, magnetism, waves, optics, light, imaging, special relativity, atomic and nuclear physics.




PHYS 201

PHYS 221 General Physics I (NS)

Major topics include mechanics and thermodynamics. Vectors and calculus are used. Laboratory work is mainly an introduction to experimental techniques including the use of a computer.




MATH 151

PHYS 222 General Physics II

Major topics include electricity, magnetism, optics and introductory atomic and nuclear physics. Extensive use of vectors and calculus. Laboratory work mainly emphasizes concepts and techniques.




MATH 151; PHYS 221

PHYS 281 Intermediate Laboratory

Students gain experience with basic laboratory instrumentation and techniques, written and oral technical communication, and literature searching.




PHYS 222

PHYS 296 Curricular Practical Training

Students on an F-1 visa are eligible to work off campus to provide additional experience so long as the employment relates directly to the student's major area of study. The practical experience gained outside the traditional classroom supplements the theoretical and/or applied knowledge as a part of the student's coursework. The registration process for this course must be completed every term (including summers), as students must have their work authorization reissued each term to ensure continued enrollment. Jobs must be approved and verified by the International Programs Office before work may begin.



PHYS 297 Topics:

Selected topics offered on sufficient demand. Topics include partifcle physics, atomic and molecular physics, acoustics, biophysics, and solid state physics.



PHYS 299 Independent Study

Independent study of topics approved by department.



PHYS 303 Biological Physics

This course will introduce a series of physical principles, based on statistical mechanics, which can be used to examine biological questions, specifically questions involving how cells function. Calculus will be used without apology.




PHYS 222 or PHYS 202; CHEM 117 or CHEM 120

Cross Listed Courses

BIOL 303

PHYS 321 Computational Physics

Designed to prepare the student for upper-level physics courses by studying such topics as vector analysis, Fourier series, Laplace and Fourier transforms, and ordinary and partial differential equations of physical systems. Emphasis is placed on the development of computer-based computation skills. Recommended as a prerequisite for all courses numbered above 340.




PHYS 222; MATH 152

PHYS 331 Electronics for Science and Engineering

Theory and applications of DC and AC circuits. Theory of solid state devices such as diodes and transistors. Applications of these devices to power supplies, amplifiers, operational amplifiers, integrated circuits, analog to digital and digital to analog converters and other instrumentation.




PHYS 222

PHYS 341 Analytical Mechanics

Detailed study of kinematics, Newtonian dynamics and rigid bodies. Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations.




PHYS 321

PHYS 351 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics

Equations of state, ideal and real gases, laws of thermodynamics, introduction to statistical mechanics. Topics developed from both macroscopic and microscopic points of view. Double majors in Chemistry and Physics not planning to pursue graduate study in physics may, with departmental approval, substitute CHEM 301 and 302 for PHYS 351 to fulfill the physics major elective requirements.




PHYS 321

PHYS 361 Electromagnetic Theory

Electrostatics, dielectrics, magnetostatics, Faraday's induction laws, and Maxwell's equations. Working knowledge of vector calculus is assumed.




PHYS 321

PHYS 363 Optics

This course includes: 1) an introduction to modern concepts in optics including electromagnetic waves, propagation of light through media, geometrical optics of lenses and mirrors, interference, coherence, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffractions; and 2) a brief introduction to modern optical applications, including Fourier optics, holography, light scattering, interferometry and laser technology.




PHYS 321

PHYS 370 Modern Physics Lab

Students will gain experience with laboratory instrumentation as they perform a laboratory exploration of some of the experiments that led to the transition from the classical physics paradigm to quantum mechanics. Some of the experiments for this course may include the photelectic effect, measurement of the speed of light, the measurement of charge-to-mass ratio of the electron and studies of nuclear decays.



PHYS 371 Modern Physics I

Historical development of the transition from classical to quantum physics, Bohr's atomic theory, Schroedinger's equation and applications to atomic, nuclear, and solid state systems. Introduction to relativity and to elementary particles.




PHYS 222

PHYS 372 Modern Physics II

Applications of modern physics to atomic, nuclear, and solid state systems. Introduction to general relativity, elementary particles, and cosmology.




PHYS 371

PHYS 373 Quantum Mechanics

This course will cover the general structure and formalism of quantum mechanics. Topics will include: Schrödinger's Equation and solutions for one-dimensional problems; Dirac notation and matrix mechanics; the harmonic oscillator; the hydrogen atom; angular momentum and spin; and approximation methods.




PHYS 371 or CHEM 302; PHYS 321

PHYS 381 Advanced Laboratory (W)

Continuation of Physics 281. Includes an emphasis on independent technical writing. Taken senior year.




PHYS 281

PHYS 391 Senior Thesis

Directed investigations in theoretical or experimental physics for physics majors. Satisfies a requirement for graduation with distinction in physics. Students will propose, carry out, write, and defend a thesis project.




Permission of the Department Chair

PHYS 395 Internship

See Physics advisor



PHYS 397 Topics:

Selected topics offered on sufficient demand. Topics include partifcle physics, atomic and molecular physics, acoustics, biophysics, and solid state physics.



PHYS 399 Independent Study

Independent study of topics approved by department.



PHYS 100PL Introduction and Principles of Engineering

This course is a combination of two Project Lead The Way courses. This course will satisfy the lab science general education requirement. 

Intro to Engineering Design: Students use the design process and industry standard 3D modeling software to design solutions to solve proposed problems.

Principles of Engineering: Students are exposed to major concepts like mechanisms, energy, statics, materials and kinematics.



PHYS 101PL Specialized Engineering

Students may take one or more of the following specializations:

Aerospace Engineering: Students explore the evolution of flight, flight fundamentals, navigation and control, aerospace materials, propulsion, space travel and orbital mechanics.

Biotechnical Engineering: Hands-on projects engage students in engineering design problems related to biomechanics, cardiovascular engineering, genetic engineering, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, forensics and bioethics.

Civil Engineering and Architecture: Students design and develop residential and commercial properties using 3D architectural design software.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Students explore manufacturing history, individual processes, systems and careers. The course also incorporates finance, ethics and engineering design.

Digital Electronics: Students are introduced to the process of combinational and sequential logic design, engineering standards and technical documentation. They are also exposed to programming integrated circuit kits and microcontrollers.



PHYS 102PL Engineering, Design and Development

Students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process.
