2019-2020 Undergraduate General Catalog
2019-2020 Undergraduate General Catalog » Courses » ART - Art » 300
Drawing from the nude human figure. A continuation of Drawing II. See department policy on use of nude models at www.augie.edu/academics/art/hands-learning. Additional fees may apply.
Advanced creative study from nature and the model in various drawing media. Independent study in drawing methods. Additional fees may apply.
This course examines developments in art and visual culture from the middle of the twentieth century to the present through selected discrete topical units. Students will engage critically both visual examples and seminal texts produced by significant art historians, philosophers, art critics and artists. We will read key primary works and also a selection of interpretive studies that address issues of modernism and post-modernism in the United States. Class discussions will be devoted to consideration of this reading and to questions of visual and cultural interpretation.
Comprehensive study of layout and illustration fundamentals. Additional fees may apply.
Advanced graphic design course in production (camera ready art), skills on the Macintosh. Additional fees may apply.
A course designed to prepare finished art work for a portfolio. A corporate identity campaign will be developed in photo shop, canvas, and Quark Xpress computer programs. Additional fees may apply.
This course continues to develop application techniques and design skills beyond that in Ceramics I and II. Students are challenged to experience new applications, test their limits to create more diversified clay works and build on their design and application processes. Additional fees may apply.
This course continues to develop application techniques and design skills beyond that in Ceramics I, II and III. Students are challenged to experience new applications, test their limits to create more diversified clay works and build on their design and application processes. Additional fees may apply.
Further study in painting for the advanced student. Additional fees may apply.
Advanced creative study in painting working with the instructor in a one-to-one relationship. Additional fees may apply.
Study of contemporary movements in sculpture and/or continued study of traditional mediums. Additional fees may apply.
Advanced creative study in sculpture, working with the instructor in a one-to-one relationship. Special problems in sculpture emphasizing technique and production. Additional fees may apply.
Builds on Printmaking III and includes intaglio, serigraphy, lithography, monotype, digital, photo, and relief processes. Additional fees may apply.
Builds on Printmaking IV and includes intaglio, serigraphy, lithography, monotype, digital, photo, and relief processes. Additional fees may apply.
Students will further their knowledge of contemporary photographic discourses, methodologies, and advanced project development.
Internship in Art
Special topics in Art.