2016-2017 Undergraduate General Catalog

Independent Learning Programs

Students may take up to 18 credit hours through the Independent Learning Program:

  1. Independent Scholarship (Regular course number)

With the permission of the department involved, a student may take any regularly offered course through independent scholarship.

  1. Independent Study (199, 299, 399 or 499)

In cooperation with a faculty member, a student may create an independent study course on any academic topic. The student and faculty member will design the course objectives, reading assignments, course requirements, and means of evaluation.

General Requirements

  1. At the time of registration the student must file a Declaration of Intent with the Registrar’s Office to engage in independent learning. This proposal must bear the approval of the academic advisor, the faculty project advisor, and the chairperson of the department in which the project will be carried out.
  2. The student must file an approved Course Proposal for Independent Learning with the Registrar’s Office no later than three weeks (4 days for Interim and Summer term projects) after the beginning of term during which the independent learning project is to begin. This proposal must bear the approval of the academic advisor, the faculty advisor, the chairperson of the department in which the study is to be carried out, and the Registrar.
  3. The student and the instructor who is to direct the independent learning project are responsible for the academic soundness of the proposal.
  4. With departmental approval, independent learning may be counted toward the major.
  5. Students planning to complete an independent learning project over more than one semester must enroll for the course at the time they receive formal approval for it. This enrollment may be considered as a part of the regular load or as an overload. If added as an overload, there will be an additional charge. Students who find that it is impossible to complete an independent learning project may withdraw from the course without grade penalty, but without refund of tuition.