2023-24 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Wellness Guide

We are pleased to provide you with an introduction to the concept of wellness. Wellness, as a concept and a lifestyle, seeks to enrich and promote activities that enhance complete well-being and thus increase the power students have available to accomplish educational and life goals. Living a life of relative equilibrium requires physical, mental, emotional, and social well‐being. Thus, the goal of the Wellness Committee is to promote physical, psychological, academic and environmental wellness for all Augusta Tech students. The contents of this Wellness Guide are designed to serve as your introduction to wellness.

We hope you will find this Guide useful and worth keeping for future reference. Wellness Counseling and Referral Service are available through our Counseling Center. The referral service provided by our counselors includes comprehensive information about community agencies and support groups. In addition, the Wellness Committee plans, develops, and promotes wellness programs and activities for students, faculty, and staff each term.

During the Resource and Wellness Fairs information booths display contemporary literature on health/wellness concerns and community resources for faculty, staff and students. Workshops or speakers address health/wellness issues requested by students, faculty, or staff. In addition, each branch library has a variety of materials located in the Wellness Section to increase awareness and knowledge of health and wellness issues.

If you desire personal guidance and counseling, or referral to an agency or support group, contact Amy Laughter (706) 771-4068.