Summer Semester 2021 Catalog

Mission, Goals, and Objectives

Mission Statement

Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, customized business and industry training, continuing education, student support, economic development, and adult education services to its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods.


  1. To provide competency-based associate degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs to prepare students for employment.
  2. To provide adult education services which prepares students for access to postsecondary education.
  3. To contribute to the development of business, industry, and the community through customized education, continuing education, job training, and retraining.
  4. To provide services and activities to support students in achieving student success as they pursue their educational, personal, and career goals.
  5. To increase community awareness through marketing and public relations activities.


1.1 Develop sustainable program offerings to meet service area employment demands.
1.2 Improve program quality through ongoing review, assessment and revision.
1.3 Improve student success outcomes (retention and completion rates) through course design enhancements, use of innovative resources, and advanced technology.
2.1 Provide pathways that encourage qualified adult education students to be dually enrolled.
2.2 Develop strategies to transition students from adult education into post-secondary programs.
3.1 Provide customized training programs and continuing education programs that meet the needs and interests of the local industry.
3.2 Support the economic development activities and initiatives of local and regional communities, the Technical College System of Georgia, and the State of Georgia.
3.3 Promote industry and community awareness of the services available through the Economic Development Division.
4.1 Increase awareness of student support services, policies, and student activities.
4.2 Foster and promote student responsibility and engagement in his/her education, policies, and student activities.
5.1 Develop a comprehensive awareness strategy to promote the College mission.


The Mission, Goals, and Objectives were reviewed by the Augusta Technical College Board of Directors, April 2016 and approved by the Technical College System of Georgia Board of Directors, May 2016.