Spring Semester 2019 Catalog

Student Services


An orientation is provided for new students. Orientation includes a survey of school facilities; an explanation of college rules and policies; a briefing on student services including financial aid, bookstore, library, counseling, registrar/records, and career services; and a briefing on accessing faculty advisors. Information about programs of study and student activities is also provided. Orientation is continued throughout each student’s enrollment by the student’s faculty advisor. This service is provided to assist the student in making adequate adjustments to the instructional program and to the world of work. For students with disabilities, the counseling staff provides an individual orientation explaining accommodations and services. After orientation, the counseling staff is available to assist each student in his or her adjustment to technical education by offering a variety of services. 

Academic Counseling Services

Counselors provide support for students who request assistance or who may be referred for assistance by an instructor through the Technical College System of Georgia Early Alert System (TEAMS). Issues addressed by the Academic Counselor through individual sessions and workshops include Study Skills, Test Taking, Time Management, Test Anxiety, Testing Skills, Critical Thinking, Stress Management and Learning Styles. Students occasionally need help that involves career exploration and program selection, program changes, wellness, and referrals to campus and community resources.

Career Services

The Career Services Office provides job search support services to enable students to meet their employment goals while in school and upon graduation. Career Services is considered a team effort at Augusta Technical College and involves program instructors, deans and directors, and counselors. Career Services maintains an online job board reserved for Augusta Technical College students and graduates. Other services offered include mock interviewing, resume and cover letter critiques, resume referral to employers, career fairs, and workshops. Also, information is collected from graduates to ensure that the College is achieving its educational objectives and giving students the skills they need for success.

Special Needs/Disability Services

Special assistance is provided for students with disabilities so that they have an equal opportunity to enroll and to participate in College programs and activities. Students with disabilities must self-identify each term and provide documentation of the disability to a counselor in the Counseling Center in order to receive assistance. Available services include accommodation during the admission process and modification in the instructional setting. Also, various community agencies may be contacted for additional support resources.

Advisement and Registration

After a student has been enrolled for one term, the advisement/registration process is as follows:

  1. Students will be notified of term advising/registration dates via flyers and SmartWeb e-mail.
  2. Currently enrolled students must meet with their program advisor or learning support advisor to outline their schedule of classes.
  3. Register for the appropriate course(s) online at internet address www.augustatech.edu.
  4. Pay any outstanding tuition and/or fees in the Student Accounts office (Augusta Campus) or in Student Services (Burke and Thomson campuses and Columbia County Center).

Library/Information Technology Center

The Augusta Technical College Library consists of three libraries working as a unit through an automated library system and online catalog. The Jack B. Patrick Information Technology Center (ITC) is a 50,000 square foot, state of the art facility that houses the Augusta Campus Library (27,000 square feet). There is a branch library (2,000 square feet) at the Thomson/McDuffie Campus and a branch library (2,500 square feet) at the Waynesboro/Burke Campus. Library and media support is also provided for the Columbia County Center. The Augusta Technical College Library offers a collection of over 200,000 items of information: books, journals, DVDs, CDs, interactive tutorials, a children’s collection, GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online (GALILEO)-a large collection of full-text databases and other electronic resources, electronic book collections by ProQuest eBrary and EBSCO eBooks, and a streaming video collection by Films On Demand. Group, individual, and class orientations are available on a scheduled basis. Faculty and students offer input for collection development and resources via requests, surveys and interviews to ensure that services, resources, and materials support student research and the curriculum. The library serves students, faculty, employees, and community users.

The ITC’s facilities include a 250 seat auditorium, a 30 seat tiered/lecture classroom, a multimedia classroom for employee training, a multimedia development lab to support distance education and classroom instruction, a conference room, and four individual/small group study rooms. Additionally, each campus library has workstations (total of 106 workstations available) equipped with instructional software. WiFi is available at each campus library with power receptacles conveniently located near tables and comfortable seating. Study carrels and spacious reading/study areas are available and coin operated copy machines are conveniently located in each library. Scanning and color printing are also available. Multimedia Services includes assistance with instructional media, multimedia, and duplication. Equipment is provided for curriculum support in the classroom. Equipment is also available to support workshops, conferences, meetings and other events held in the public venues at each campus and the Columbia County Center.

Operating hours for the ITC and other Campus Libraries are as follows:

www.augustatech.edu Quick Links >Library Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday
Augusta Campus Library 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 3:00 pm 2:00 pm ― 6:00 pm
Thomson Campus Library 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 8:00 am ― 8:00 pm 8:00 am ― 3:00 pm
Waynesboro Campus Library 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 8:30 pm 7:30 am ― 3:00 pm

Library Holdings 2015
Print Volumes: 56359
Print Titles: 51639
AV Volumes: 5728
AV Titles: 4352
Electronic Books: 196371
Streaming Video: 23394
Subscriptions: 287

Success Center

Academic support services are provided by the staff of the Success Center to Augusta Tech students and applicants on the Augusta, Thomson, and Waynesboro campuses, and at the Grovetown center. The free services include individual and group tutoring, help with Learning Support and credit classes in English, Math, Reading, Chemistry, Physics and COMP1000, as well as help with writing assignments for any class. Assistance in getting started with Blackboard and improving general study skills, test-taking, and other academic skills is also available. The Success Center is located on the Ground Floor of the ITC/Library Building on the Augusta campus. For more information about hours and services at all sites, see https://www.augustatech.edu/student-resources/success-center.cms.

Health Services

In the event of injury or other medical emergencies, the nearest instructor or staff member and the dean or Campus Coordinator should be notified. Professional emergency care, if needed, will be secured by the appropriate dean, Campus Coordinator, or the Vice President for Administrative Services. As a nonresidential school, Augusta Technical College expects that the student will normally secure medical services through a family physician. In case of a serious accident or illness, the College will refer the student to the nearest hospital (or hospital of the student’s choice) for emergency care and will notify the student’s next-of-kin. It is to be understood that the student or the student’s family will be responsible for the cost of such emergency care, including ambulance service, if in the opinion of college authorities, such service is necessary.

Campus Security

It is the obligation of the College to ensure orderly operation, to protect the rights of all members of the College community, to prohibit acts which materially and substantially interfere with legitimate educational objectives or interfere with the rights of others, and to institute disciplinary action where conduct adversely affects the pursuit of educational objectives.

Therefore, Augusta Technical College employs Special Duty Sheriff’s Department Deputies and Georgia State Patrol Officers to enforce security rules and regulations including the Code of Conduct and Traffic and Parking Regulations (see the Augusta Technical College Student Handbook). The special duty officers are employees of Augusta Technical College when on assignment. They have full arrest powers and can issue traffic citations.

Uniformed officers provide police protection for safety. The purpose of campus security is to serve the student and provide a safe and pleasant campus atmosphere. Students are encouraged to provide cooperation to the officers. Students and faculty/staff must have the Augusta Technical College identification card visible for verification at all times.

Students and faculty/staff shall not interfere with the special duty officers in the performance of their duties. For questions, problems, or special needs; or if there is a concern regarding enforcement of the code of conduct, traffic and parking regulations and/or security procedures, contact the Vice President for Administrative Services or the Vice President for Operations.

To report emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors at the Augusta Campus, call (706) 771-4021. To report emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors at the Thomson and Waynesboro Campuses, call (706) 595-0166 and (706) 437-6801, respectively. For emergencies at the Columbia County Center, call (706) 651-7368.

Statistics concerning the occurrence on campus of criminal offenses reported by special duty officers to the Vice President for Administrative Services will be published annually in September. This information will be available in the Library/Information Technology Center and the Business Office.

ID Badges

All students, faculty, and staff must have a current Augusta Technical College identification visible at all times. The identification cards can be obtained from the bookstore in Building 1300 on the Augusta Campus and at the Admissions Office on the Thomson and Waynesboro Campuses and Columbia County Center. Student ID cards must be validated each term. A fee of $5 may be assessed under certain circumstances for replacement ID’s.

Accident Insurance

All credit students are required to purchase accident insurance at the time of registration. In case of an accident, the student is responsible for any expenses not paid by this accident insurance. Accident insurance provides partial (supplemental) coverage for medical expenses related to accidents (accidental injury or death) as specified below.

  1. College - Time Coverage protects students while engaged in college activities during the semester.
  2. Traveling - To or from the student’s residence and the College to attend classes or as a member of a supervised group (not as a spectator) traveling in a college-furnished vehicle or chartered transportation going to or from a college-sponsored activity.
  3. On the College Premises - During the hours on the days when the College is in session or any other time while the student is required to participate in a college-sponsored activity (not as a spectator).
  4. Away from the College Premises - As a member of a supervised group participating in a college-sponsored activity requiring the attendance of the student (not as a spectator).

Students are responsible for reporting claims to the Vice President for Administrative Services or a Campus Coordinator.

Liability Insurance

All Early Childhood Care/Education, Cosmetology, Barbering, and Allied Health and Nursing students are required to obtain professional liability insurance for coverage in the internship, clinical education, and training areas that are a required part of each of these programs.

Student Records

Procedures relating to the establishment, utilization, availability, and retention of student records are in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, the policies of Augusta Technical College, the State Board of Technical and Adult Education, and the Records Management Office Procedures and Regulations as established by the State of Georgia. Students, alumni, and other former students should contact the Student Records office on all matters relating to their academic records, transfer of credit, withdrawal, graduation, and other governmental or college certificates.

Directory Information

“Directory Information” is information not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Effective July 1, 2016, the College has designated the following information as “Directory Information”: [1] Full name of student; [2] Address(es); [3] Telephone number(s); [4] Email address(es); [5] Major and field(s) of study; [6] Degrees and awards including nature and date received; [7] Dates of attendance; [8] School or division of enrollment; [9] Enrollment status; [10] Name of institution last attended; [11] Participation in official activities and sports; [12] Weight and height of members of athletic teams; and [13] Photograph(s).

Students who wish to prohibit the release of directory information should file a written notification with the Office of Student Records on the Augusta Campus.


Dormitories or other on/off-campus housing facilities are not provided by Augusta Technical College. Students desiring housing may obtain information through local newspaper advertisements and real estate agencies.

Cafeteria/Student Center

A Cafeteria/Student Center is housed in the 1300 building on the Augusta campus. Short order breakfast and lunch are served between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Snack Bars

Vending rooms are located at all campus locations.

Children on Campus

It is the policy of the College that children are not permitted on campus except for special functions (i.e. open house).

Special Populations Services

The Special Populations Coordinator provides supportive assistance to: single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers who have experienced divorce, legal separation, disability, or death of a spouse; nontraditional program students (females in mostly-male programs such as Engineering or Automotive Technology, or males in mostly-female programs such as Nursing or Early Childhood Care/Education); and students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) due to having a language other than English as their first language. Information and advice regarding use of available school and community resources may help these students overcome barriers to the successful completion of their education and career goals.

There is no charge for any of these services. More information may be obtained by calling the Special Populations Coordinator at (706) 771-4070.

Campus Store

A campus store is located in Building 1300 on the Augusta campus. Campus stores are also located on the Thomson and Waynesboro campuses and the Columbia County Center. Hours are posted at each location.

New and used books are available for sale along with a variety of computer software, apparel, gift items, and supplies needed by students. It is recommended that new students attend all classes on the first day of the term to obtain a complete list of textbooks and supplies that will be needed.

Refund Policy

Textbooks - A full refund will be made subject to the following conditions:

  1. New books must be free of all marks (pencil, ink, highlighter, etc.).
  2. Shrink-wrapped material and sealed codes must be unopened and unused.
  3. Any software (CD ROM, etc.) included with the book must be unopened.
  4. New or used books must be returned or exchanged within one week from date of purchase.
  5. A student ID card or picture ID and original receipt are required for all returns or exchanges.
  6. Refunds on all items purchased by check require a ten-business day waiting period from date of purchase.
  7. Defective new books will be exchanged at no charge. Used books are not guaranteed.
  8. Refunds will not be made on non-required books, supplies, general merchandise, backpacks, clothing, candy, or snacks.

Used Book Buy Back

Used textbooks are purchased at the College campus store the last two days of each semester.