Summer Semester 2018 Catalog

Rules Governing Legal Residency of Students for Tuition Purposes

Legal residence in the State of Georgia requires not only recent physical presence in Georgia but also the element of intent to remain indefinitely. To be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, an individual who is 18 years of age or older must show that he/she has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of not less than 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration. In the absence of documentation that the individual has established legal residence in Georgia, neither an emancipated minor nor any person 18 years of age or older shall gain in-state status while attending any educational institution in this state.

If a person is under 18 years of age, he or she may register as an in-state student only upon showing that his/her supporting parent or guardian has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of at least 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration. If a parent or legal guardian of a minor changes his/her legal residence to another state following a period of legal residence in Georgia, a minor student may continue to take courses for a period of 12 consecutive months as an in-state student. After the 12 month period, the student may continue his/her registration only upon the payment of fees at the out-of-state rate. In the event that a legal resident of Georgia is appointed as guardian of a non-resident minor, such minor will not be permitted to register as an in-state student until the expiration of one year from the date of court appointment and then only upon proper showing that such appointment was not made to avoid payment of out-of-state fees.

Aliens shall be classified as non-resident students; however, an alien who is living in this country under an immigration document permitting indefinite or permanent residence shall have the same privilege of qualifying for in-state tuition as a citizen of the United States. Out-of-state tuition may be waived for exceptions as defined in this policy.

Exceptions to the in-state residency requirements of this policy include the following:

  • Employees and their children who move to Georgia for employment with a new or expanding industry as defined in Georgia Code 20-4-40.
  • Non-resident students who are financially dependent upon a parent, parents, or spouse who has been a legal resident of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration, provided that such financial dependence shall have existed for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration.
  • Full-time employees of Georgia's technical colleges, their spouses, and their dependent children.
  • Full-time teachers in the public schools of Georgia or in the University System and their dependent children. Teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia shall qualify for this waiver.
  • Military personnel and their dependents stationed in Georgia and on active duty.
  • Military personnel and their dependents that are legal residents of Georgia but are stationed outside the state.
  • Enrolled students who are legal residents of out-of-state counties bordering on Georgia counties in the Augusta Technical College service area. This applies to legal residents of South Carolina in the five bordering counties (Aiken, Allendale, Barnwell, Edgefield, and McCormick).
  • International students selected by the president or authorized representative, provided that the number of the international students exempted does not exceed one percent of the total enrollment of full-time students.
  • Career consular officers and their dependents who are citizens of the foreign nation that their consular office represents, and who are living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments. This waiver shall apply only to those consular officers whose nations operate on the principle of educational reciprocity with the United States.