Summer Semester 2018 Catalog

Grading System

The following grading system is used:

Program Courses Learning Support Courses
Grade Grade Point Grade Grade Point
A = 90 -100 4 A* = 90 - 100 0
B = 80 - 89 3 B* = 80 - 89 0
C = 70 - 79 2 C* = 70 - 79 0
D = 60 - 69 1 D* = 60 - 69 0
F = 0 - 59 0 F* = 0 - 59 0
WF = 0 - 59 0 WF* = 0 - 59 0
I = Incomplete I = Incomplete
IP = In Progress AU = Audit/Warranty
AC = Articulated Credit TR = Transfer Credit
AU = Audit/Warranty W = Withdraw
EX = Exempted/Credit by Exam WP = Withdraw Passing
TR = Transfer Credit
W = Withdraw
WP = Withdraw Passing

3 = Exceeds Expectations
2 = Meets Expectations
1 = Needs Improvement
0 = Unacceptable

“AU” AUDIT –Indicates a student is registered to audit a course and attend classes without meeting all admission requirements for the course and without receiving credit. Students are not permitted to change from audit to credit after the drop/add period without meeting recommended admission requirements or from credit to audit after the drop/add period at the beginning of each term.

“I” INCOMPLETE –Indicates that a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the required coursework, but for non-academic reasons beyond the student’s control, has not been able to complete the course. It is at the discretion of the instructor as to whether an “I” grade is issued. The student must contact the instructor to develop plans for a timely completion of the course. If the required work is not completed on or before midterm of the following term, the “I” will automatically become an “F.” If a grade of “I” is received in a course that is a prerequisite to other courses, the student must complete the required prerequisite and receive a final grade to be eligible to enroll in other courses.

“IP” IN PROGRESS –Indicates that a course continues beyond the end of the term.

“TR” TRANSFER OF CREDIT - ‘Course grades less than “C” are not acceptable as transfer credit. Prior to spring semester 2012, courses accepted for transfer credit were assigned a grade of “TR” on the transcript. Transfer credits accepted beginning spring semester 2012 are assigned a grade of “TRA”, “TRB”, or “TRC”. The third letter indicates the grade earned in the course.’

“W” WITHDRAW –Signifies the student stopped attending and/or withdrew before midterm.

“WF” WITHDRAW FAILING –Signifies the student withdrew with a failing grade after midterm. “WF” carries a grade point value of “0.”

“WP” WITHDRAW PASSING –Signifies the student withdrew with a passing grade after midterm.