BBM 402 Strategic Management

This course examines the theory and practice of defining and implementing business policy. It presents actual case studies of business organizations, including the determination of top-level company policy in such functional areas as finance, marketing, and production. The national ETS Business Exam will be administered during this course. The content of the examination assesses the basic knowledge and understanding gained in the core business curriculum. All prerequisites must be completed prior to registering for this course.




BAC 102, BBM 201, BBM 320, BLA 303 (SPM 301 for SPM Majors, or HRM 400 for HRM Majors), BMK 305 (or SPM 407 for SPM Majors), ECO 102 (or ECO 105 for HRM and SPM Majors), FIN 305, and MAT 312 (prior to 2016-2017 MAT 308).