General Education Requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree

Certain General Education courses are required in each of the degree programs of the University. These courses provide students an opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of basic accumulated general knowledge. The courses are designed to assure that a wide range of viewpoints and philosophies, as well as classic literature, become familiar to students. General Education courses provide a common academic meeting ground for students and professors to interact. These shared studies afford the opportunity to explore generally accepted concepts and principles, develop critical thinking skills, and identify questions and issues requiring further study and research.

The following is a listing of the General Education requirements for the baccalaureate degree. The total number of credits will vary by degree program.

Computer Operations (See program requirement)

3 credits

Critical Thinking

3 credits

Economics (See program requirement)

3-6 credits


6 credits


up to 18 credits

Mathematics (See program requirement)

3 credits

Natural Science (See program requirement)

3-12 credits

Social Science

6 credits

Total credits

33 - 63 credits

Students must fulfill the following requirements to be eligible for graduation with a baccalaureate degree:

    1. Students must fulfill the following requirements to be eligible for graduation with a baccalaureate degree:
    2. Complete course requirements in the major field of study, including the General Education Requirements.
    3. Complete 45 credit hours of residency at Wilmington University. Residency credit may include 15 credit hours of challenge by exam and/or prior learning assessment.
    4. Achieve an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
    5. Achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in the major field of study.
    6. Complete at least 45 credit hours of upper division (300-400 level) course work.
    7. Demonstrate competence in verbal and written communications and computational skills.
    8. Complete a minimum of 120 total credit hours required for degree completion.

      The First Year Experience Course (FYE 101) is expected of all new freshmen with 0-15 transferred credits. Generally this course will be used in place of a Free Elective. Eligible students are expected to complete the course during their first semester.