Engineering Physics Minor

The minor in Engineering Physics gives Science as well as non-Science majors the opportunity to explore and apply scientific principles in technology and engineering, achieve proficiency in the applications of mathematics in engineering, formulate the design and development of engineering structures, and investigate the physical and engineering issues of air, water, and soil resources in our environment. A principal focus in this minor will be the integration of engineering, science, and mathematics in problem solving.

This minor will be of particular interest to Science majors such as Environmental Science, Chemistry, and Mathematics but the minor is open to anyone with an interest in Engineering Physics. All students though must fulfill the course prerequisites for the upper-level engineering courses due to the advanced nature of the mathematics, engineering, and science topics presented in these courses. The minor is not open to Engineering Management majors since the course work listed in the minor is already part of the required courses in their degree plan.

A minimum of 18 credit hours of coursework is required to complete the Engineering Physics Minor.


Requirements for the Minor

Required Coursework

ENGR 2305Engineering Physics I


ENGR 2105Engineering Physics I Lab


ENGR 2306Engineering Physics II


ENGR 2106Engineering Physics II Lab


ENGR 3350Statics


Total Credit Hours:11

Elective Options

Select any two of these courses.
ENGR 3430Engineering Analysis


ENGR 4375Thermodynamics


ENGR 4470Fluid Mechanics


ENGR 3460Circuitry Analysis


Total Credit Hours:7-8

Students may substitute ENGR 4399 Special Topics in Engineering for one of the upper-level engineering course options only with permission from the Chair of the Engineering Department.

Total Credit Hours: 18-19