
Graphic Design (B.F.A.)

Requirements for a Major in Graphic Design (83 hours):

1. Graphic Design Pre-Portfolio Courses (17 hours):

The following courses must be taken during a student’s first year and must be completed with a passing grade for eligibility to submit a portfolio for review.

GDSN 1100Orientation to Graphic Design

GDSN 1210Drawing for Designers

GDSN 1215Digital Imaging

GDSN 1301Graphic Design Software

GDSN 1380Foundations of Design

GDSN 1390Typography I

ARTS 1301Drawing I

2. Graphic Design Major Courses (57 hours):

The following courses are required of students that pass the portfolio review and are accepted into the Graphic Design program.

ARTH 2361Art Hist:Ancient thru Medieval

ARTH 2362Art History:Renaiss to Modern

ARTH 3360Survey in Contemporary Art

GDSN 2300Interact Dgn I: Basic Dgn/Lang

GDSN 2305Visual Language

GDSN 2310Graph Dgn I: Intro Visual Comm

GDSN 2390Typography II

GDSN 3300Interactive II/UI Design

GDSN 3310Graph Dsgn II/Visual Systems

GDSN 4220Senior BFA Seminar

GDSN 4240Adv Projects: Graphic Design

GDSN 4250Adv Proj: Interactive Design

GDSN 4300Interact Dgn III Dynam Web Sys

GDSN 4301Adv Projects Practicum

GDSN 4303Senior Portfolio

GDSN 4310Graph Dgn III: Information Dgn

GDSN 4325Business of Design

GDSN 4330Hist of Communication Design

GDSN 4399Special Topics

PHIL 3375Aesthetics: Phil of Art&Beauty

3. Approved Electives (9 Hours; 3 must be Upper Division):

Students may choose from the following courses to complete the hours towards the BFA in Graphic Design. To meeting the minimum Upper Division credit requirement, one of the electives must be an Upper Division course (33xx or higher).

ARTS 2351Printmaking I

ARTS 2357Photography I

ARTS 3300Color Theory for Artists

ARTS 3352Printmaking II

BMKT 3331Principles of Marketing

BMKT 3333Integrated Marketing Comm

COMM 1301Intro to Mass Communication

COMM 2320Audio Production I

COMM 2360Video Production I

COMM 3320Aesthetics of Vision and Sound

GDSN 4302Cooperative Educ Internship

GDSN 4380HHonors Project/Graphic Design

GDSN 4390Graphic Design World Travel

INTD 1364Color/Environment-Behav Theory

Approved Minors (12-18 Hours):

Transfer and non-traditional students who must maintain full-time enrollment are encouraged to choose one of the approved minors. These credits can count towards the elective credits required for the major. Students are free to choose any minor they wish. Consult your advisor for more information on minors. A minor is not required of all students but is helpful.

Note: Please refer to the catalog for requirements for each minor.

Minor in Art18 HoursARTS
Minor in Art History15 HoursARTH
Minor in Photography18 HoursARTS
Minor in Communication Arts12 HoursCOMM
Minor in Marketing18 HoursBMKT