Cyber Security Systems Minor

The Cyber Security Systems minor consists of 15 hours of CSEC courses, including two advanced courses, designed to give a broad base of understanding in designing secure systems, creating secure networks, and securing organizations.

Required CSEC Course

CSEC 1305Personal Security


CSEC 2300Foundations of Cyber Security

CSEC Selection

Select 6 hours from the following courses:

CSEC 3320Network Security Management

CSEC 3327Information Assurance

CSEC 3335Cryptography

CSEC 3345Digital Forensics

CSEC 3350Intrusion/Detection/Response

CSEC 3370Law & Ethics in Cyber Security

CSEC 4320Risk Management and Policy

CSEC 4340Windows Systems Security

CSEC 4370Computer Network Security

CSEC Electives

Plus six hours CSEC elective courses.