
Clinical Research (B.S.)

Core Curriculum Requirements (43 hours):

ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 6
DWHP 1200 or 3200 2
Physical activity course (See PEHP) 1
PHIL 1381 3
RELS 1305 3
PHIL 3333 3
ENGL 2310 3
Fine or Applied Arts (Art, Art History, Dance,
  Music, Music Appreciation, Theater) 3
MATH 2303 3
Natural Science (CHEM course counted in major) 4
HIST 1311, HIST 1312, HIST 1321, HIST 1322 3
PSYC 1301 3
Modern Language (six hours in one language) 6

Major Requirements

Clinical Research Course Requirements (48 Hours):

BIOL 4350HBioethics

CLRS 3310Principles/Clinical Research

CLRS 3320Basics of Pharmacology

CLRS 3330Clinical Trials I

CLRS 3350New Product Development

CLRS 3360Regulatory Affairs I

CLRS 3410Scientific Literature Review

CLRS 4250Senior Seminar

CLRS 4310Regulatory Affairs I

CLRS 4320Data Management

CLRS 4330Clinical Trails II

CLRS 4410Senior Internship

ENGL 3370Writing--Science/Engineering

NMED 3210Hlth Assess/Comm Nuc Med Tech

RSCH 4301Research Methods/Techniques

Support Course Requirements (18 hours):

BIOL 2321Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 2322Anatomy and Physiology II

BIOL 2474Introductory Microbiology

CHEM 1320Biological Chem/Hlth Prof

MATH 3333Statistical Methods

Writing Literacy Course Requirements (6 Hours):

ENGL 2365Prof/Technical Communication

RSCH 1100Intro to Information Literacy

REHS 2350Med Term/Doc Patient Care

Note:  Given that students may be drawn from other undergraduate health majors, all support courses (CHEM, PSYC, and NUTR) and Core courses must meet the minimum levels established; however, substitutions will be individually assessed.