
OCEA 100 Physical Oceanography

Introduces physical aspects of the ocean including both descriptive representations of ocean properties and dynamical processes that govern ocean circulation. Topics include measurement methods, the equation of state, the equations of motion, geostrophy, atmospheric forcing, Ekman transport, gyre circulation, western boundary currents, the global circulation, and surface gravity waves.




Prerequisite(s): MATH 11B or equivalent; and PHYS 6B; and ESCI 100A or EART 110A.

OCEA 101 The Marine Environment

An introduction to the marine environment stressing the interaction of physical, chemical, geological, and biological factors in the ocean. Provides the oceanographic background needed for studies in marine biology. Students taking the prerequisite math courses concurrently may enroll in the course with permission from instructor.




Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1C and MATH 11B or MATH 19B. Students taking the prerequisite math courses concurrently may enroll in the course with permission from instructor.

OCEA 102 Oceans and Climate: Past, Present, and Future

An introduction to Earth's environment, particularly its oceanic and climatic components. Emphasizes interactions between chemical, physical, biological, and geological processes, and fundamentals of past, present, and future global environmental change. Provides backgrounds for specialized courses in oceanic or climatic change.




Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1C.

OCEA 111 Climate Dynamics

Applies fundamental physical principles to the atmosphere, cryosphere, and land surface to interpret their observed properties. Interactions between the different components of the climate system, and their role in shaping Earth's climate, are also examined.




Prerequisite(s): MATH 11B or equivalent; PHYS 6B; and ESCI 100A or EART 110A.

OCEA 118 Marine Microbial Ecology

The study of marine bacteria and their role in the marine ecosystem. Emphasis on biochemistry and physiology in relation to metabolic activity and elemental cycles, trophic interactions, and flows of material and energy in marine food webs. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Ocean Sciences 218.




Prerequisite(s): BIOE 20C or BIOE 21C, and CHEM 1C.

OCEA 120 Aquatic Chemistry: Principles and Applications

An integrated study of the chemical behavior of natural waters with an emphasis on both principles and applications. Topics include chemical equilibrium, kinetics, acids/bases, oxidation/reduction, complexation, solid dissolution and precipitation, and reactions on solid surfaces.




Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1C or CHEM 3C or CHEM 4B; CHEM 8A recommended.

OCEA 121 Aqueous Geochemistry

Explores the geochemistry of the water-solid interface in the environment. Topics include: the composition of natural particles in the environment; the use of chemical equilibria and kinetics to assess the reactivity at the particle-water interface; and applications to environmental and oceanographic problems.




Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1C, or previous or concurrent enrollment in EART 110A. Enrollment is restricted to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

OCEA 122 Chemical Oceanography

Provides a chemical description of the sea. Emphasizes the chemical interactions of the ocean with the biosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere. Topics include biochemical cycles and the use of chemical tracers to study oceanic and coastal processes. Students may not receive credit for this course and OCEA 220.




Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1C; a previous course in ocean sciences is also recommended. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors.

OCEA 124 Aquatic Organic Geochemistry

Introduction to organic geochemistry with emphasis on aquatic environments. Explores how non-living organic matter shapes biogeochemical cycles by carrying and sequestering reduced carbon and major nutrients and examines influence of chemical structure and environmental factors on transport and fate of organic molecules. Provides an introduction to organic biomarkers. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 224.




Prerequisite(s): basic college chemistry (Chemistry 1B, 1C); at least one quarter of college level organic chemistry required (e.g., Chemistry 7).

OCEA 130 Biological Oceanography

Biological description of the sea, with emphasis on processes and patterns. Topics include microbial dynamics, phytoplankton and zooplankton production, and ecology of marine food webs. Emphasis placed on understanding how physical, chemical, and geological environment shapes biology and ecology of oceans, including such topics as harmful algal blooms, global estimates of productivity, and effects of humans on environment. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Ocean Sciences 230.




Prerequisite(s): previous course in ocean sciences recommended. Enrollment is restricted to juniors (with instructor approval), and seniors.

OCEA 141 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems

Overview of physical-biogeochemical interactions in the ocean and their impact on marine ecosystems, with a special focus on the California Current and other important marine biomes. Lectures introduce the fundamental processes occurring at regional (e.g., upwelling dynamics) and basin (e.g., El Niño events) scales, and describe how their interplay shapes the seasonal, interannual, and long-term response of marine ecosystems worldwide.



Cross Listed Courses

ESCI 141


Prerequisite(s): ESCI 100A.

General Education Code


OCEA 158 The Ecology and Conservation of Marine Megafauna

The systematics, physiology, ecology, behavior, and conservation of marine birds and mammals, with emphasis on the fauna and issues of the Monterey Bay area. Field trips enable students to observe unique local species in their native habitats and learn current research techniques. Formerly offered as The Ecology and Conservation of Marine Birds and Mammals.




Prerequisite(s): OCEA 80A, BIOE 20C, or permission of instructor.

OCEA 199 Tutorial

Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.



Repeatable for credit


OCEA 199F Tutorial

Introduction to research in laboratory, field, or theoretical subjects as an independent study. May not be counted toward upper-division major requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.



Repeatable for credit


Cross-listed courses that are managed by another department are listed at the bottom.

Cross-listed Courses

EART 172 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Introduces fluid motion influenced by rotation. Topics include the Coriolis force, geostrophic flow, potential vorticity, the shallow water model, quasigeostrophic approximation, planetary waves, Ekman theory, thermal wind, models of the large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and equatorial dynamics. Taught in conjunction with EART 272. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 272.



Cross Listed Courses

OCEA 172


Prerequisite(s): PHYS 107 or AM 107; MATH 22 or MATH 23B recommended.

EART 272 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Introduces fluid motion influenced by rotation. Topics include the Coriolis force, geostrophic flow, potential vorticity, the shallow water model, quasigeostrophic approximation, planetary waves, Ekman theory, thermal wind, models of the large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and equatorial dynamics. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 172.



Cross Listed Courses

OCEA 272


Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.