Teaching English as a Second or Other Language

The TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language) certificate is useful for students who wish to teach English as second or additional language, whether in the United States or overseas. This certificate can verify students’ training in the content required for many English language teaching positions around the world.  

The TESOL certificate is not limited to applied linguistics and multilingualism majors. Students in related fields are welcome to earn this certificate. The certificate requires the completion of six courses (LING 50, APLX 101, APLX 113, APLX 135, APLX 136, and APLX 138).

In order to register for the TESOL certificate, students should make an appointment with the faculty director of the applied linguistics and multilingualism major (https://language.ucsc.edu/) as early as possible in their academic career.

Required Courses

There are six required courses for this certificate (prerequisites in parentheses):

1. LING 50: Introduction to Linguistics (already approved requirement for the APLX major)
2. APLX 101: Second Language Acquisition (APLX 80 or LING 50)
3. APLX 113: Intercultural Communication (junior or senior standing)
4. APLX 135: Second Language Teaching (junior or senior standing)
5. APLX 136: Second Language Assessment (APLX 135)
6. APLX 138: English Grammar for TESOL (APLX 80 or LING 50)