2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDL 696 Administrative Internship I, II, III

The 092 Internship prepares future administrators to relate theory and practice to building level school administration.  Candidates are immersed in the school context and engage with the community as an active reflective teacher/leader while under the direct supervision of their administrative mentor. The program is coordinated and supervised by a Sacred Heart University coach and candidates meet in groups to discuss their experiences. This requirement is an essential experiential component of the 092 program. It is aligned to the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) Standards and requires a minimum 250 continuous hours and takes place over three successive semesters.  The Internship may only be started in the Fall or Spring term. Pre-requisite: EDL 654 and EDL 635/or EDL 605 or EDL 650. Pass/Fail. 1 credit per term. (1 time $250 fee).


Pre: EDL 654, EDL 635/or EDL 605 or EDL 650