2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog


Returning full-time students who have not attended the University for up to two consecutive major semesters (fall and spring or spring and fall) will ordinarily be governed under the catalog that was in effect when they left the University. Students who have not attended the University for more than two consecutive major semesters (fall and spring or spring and fall) must apply for readmissions and, if accepted, will be under the catalog in effect at the time of their readmission.

The Admissions Office will confer with the academic dean and the dean of students before a decision on readmission is made. Students may not be guaranteed readmission to the major in which he or she was enrolled prior to readmission. Part-time matriculated students who have not attended the University for more than 24 months are no longer considered matriculated and must apply for readmission through the Undergraduate Part-Time Admissions Office. In unusual circumstances, a student may appeal the decision regarding the catalog applied.