2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

PT 733 Evaluation & Intervention III

This tutorial-based course looks at clinical decision-making for the patient with cardiopulmonary dysfunction, the more complex patient, and the patient with multisystems involvement. Intervention options, rationales, and implications for choices in patient groups are considered. The impact of lifespan issues, family/cultural/ societal support systems and expectations, and healthcare resource limitations are also considered in the context of how these affect evaluation, prognosis, and intervention for a patient. Patient advocacy issues relative to obtaining equipment and support services are included. Also included in this semester and tied to components of each course are 4-6 structured clinical exposures for each student per semester that serve as a mechanism for understanding clinical relevance to practice and patient care. Each structured clinical experience has an associated short writing assignment that is used to facilitate achievement of the goals of the experience and to work on writing competence. Format: two two-hour labs/seminars per week and one large-group discussion (75 minutes) per week.
Offered: As Needed Contact Department
