2021-2022 Graduate Catalog


This is the last course in the nursing sequence for the Nursing Management and Executive Leadership program. Nursing 673 will focus on the larger organization’s macrosystem level. Students will apply and analyze the theories, competencies and concepts of previous courses in a designated role practicum experience using a preceptor. Further, students will examine the application of theories/evidence from scholarly readings and their application to practice. Students will share their reflections with other course participants through a weekly discussion using appreciative inquiry to describe a significant learning on the strengths and weaknesses of their clinical site focused on the course objectives.

The core role competencies for the nurse manager and executive leader frame the course activities and include assessing the following areas: human resource management, workforce development, succession planning, professional practice and interprofessional collaboration, budgeting and financial accountability, information management, automation in healthcare and redesign of workflow, laws, regulations and healthcare policy shaping administrative practice, executive presence and raising the bar – learning from excellence. Current issues and trends in health care and nursing management and executive leadership are covered in course readings and integrated into (the) course assessments/project.In this course, students will complete
their capstone project and the organizational assessment and evaluation (macrosystem level).




