2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Application for Graduation

To receive a degree, a student must complete all requirements for that degree as listed in the catalog in effect at the time of admission into the program and a 3.0 GPA. Other conditions may apply for specific programs (see program information under the specific programs). All students eligible for a degree must apply for graduation candidacy at least one semester before completing the degree. An online application is available through Web Advisor. Failure to comply may result in a delay in receiving the degree by the anticipated graduation date. Degrees are conferred three times a year in May, August, and December. The Commencement Convocation is held once a year in May.

Students will be billed a graduation fee approximately one month before their anticipated graduation date. The graduation application fee is not refundable. In the event the student does not complete the requirements for the degree within one year of the originally indicated date, a new application including a new application fee will be required.

Students completing a credit certificate must submit an application for the certificate at least one semester in advance of completing the requirements. Failure to comply may result in a delay of receiving the certificate by the semester the certificate is completed. There is no fee for the credit certificate at this time.