2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Academic Procedures

Web Advisor

Web Advisor is a secure site with access for current students and faculty. Through Web Advisor, students can search for open classes and register online, add/drop courses, view their schedules with up-to-date room and instructor information, or check restrictions on their registration. Students may also view their profile information and send corrections to the Registrar’s Office. Students can view their grades and monitor their progress toward their degree goals.

Online Registration Using Web Advisor

Students are expected to register for classes through Web Advisor provided that they do not have any holds on their registration (balance due, Health Services immunization requirement, parking tickets, etc.). This ensures that all students comply with Sacred Heart University polices. The student should contact the appropriate departments to address any outstanding issues.

Students will be assigned time periods to register online for the fall and spring semesters. Messages will display on the screen whenever a student attempts to register for a class for which he/she is not qualified or if additional permissions are needed.

Online registration will only be available during specified date ranges but access to inquiry screens will always be available. Up-to-date information regarding class schedules, room and instructor information, and course offerings is available through Web Advisor.

Students who require special permission to register for a course may do so by completing the registration form and faxing the form with written permission from the program director to the Registrar’s Office. Students may also complete this process in person during regular business hours. Information may be faxed to 203-365-7509.

Registration Conditions

The University reserves the right to change class schedules or instructors at any time. In the event a course is cancelled, full refund of tuition and fees for the course will be processed. If course cancellations occur, students will be notified by the academic department through SHU e-mail in order to adjust their schedules. Students must initiate all registration, drop, or withdrawal actions. Requests from faculty or staff will not be processed unless a signed form or letter from the student is attached.

In-Process Student Registration

Qualified students who have not yet completed the application process, or who have not received an admissions decision on their application, may register as an in-process student with written permission from the Graduate Admissions Office. Students may complete up to 6 or 9 credit hours under this designation depending on the academic program requirements. In-process registration does not guarantee admission into a graduate program.

Course Prerequisites

Students are responsible to know course prerequisites and to meet those requirements before a course is taken. Information regarding course prerequisites can be found in this catalog and/or supplied by the appropriate academic program director. Exceptions to a prerequisite must be approved in advance by the academic program director. Credit may be denied to a student who takes a course without the proper prerequisites.


A student wishing to audit courses must register for the courses as an “auditor.” No credit is granted for an audited course. The University may restrict auditors from certain courses. No student will be permitted to change from credit to audit or audit to credit after the Add/Drop period. Auditors may register during the first week of classes through the add/drop period. Auditing a course requires instructor permission prior to registration. An additional audit fee will be assessed (see Student Accounts website under Tuition & Fees).

Course Changes—Add/Drop

A student may change his/her course selection only within the add/drop period. The procedure for schedule changes is available on the Registrar’s webpage

(http://www.sacredheart.edu/officesservices/registrar/).This process must be followed to ensure course registration and the proper calculation of tuition and issuance of refunds as listed in the Expenses and Student Financial Assistance chapter of this catalog. Students may not add a course after the add/drop period without written permission of the course instructor and the department chair. See Academic Calendars for add/drop deadlines.

Course Withdrawal

If withdrawal from a class becomes necessary, the student should obtain an official withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office. Withdrawal forms are available on the Registrar’s website at www.sacredheart.edu/officesservices/registrar/. Completed forms should be faxed to the Registrar’s Office at 203-365-7509. Official withdrawal is necessary to assure proper grade entry on the transcript and the issuance of any refunds, if applicable. A “W” grade will be issued for course withdrawals submitted within the withdrawal deadline (see Academic Calendars for withdrawal deadlines). After the deadline, a grade of W will only be granted in highly unusual circumstances, such as documented medical emergency. Students who do not withdraw in the specified time frame will receive the grade that they have earned. Students are encouraged to contact their advisor or program director to discuss their academic progress.

Phone withdrawals are not accepted. Students who are taking only online courses may submit a request to withdraw from a course by sending an e-mail to registrar@sacredheart.edu. The e-mail must include the student’s request to withdraw, the student’s name, ID number, course and section number, and term.

Nonattendance does not constitute official withdrawal. Course withdrawals may affect satisfactory academic progress (as defined in an earlier section) and/or academic standing, and may result in the loss of benefits or permission to participate in University activities such as athletics. It is the student’s responsibility to understand these consequences.

If a student withdraws from the University prior to and through the add/drop period, the courses will not appear on the student’s transcript. A “W” grade will be recorded if the student withdraws from the University after the add/drop period. The W grades will appear on the student’s transcript.

Withdrawing from courses or failing to attend courses will impact your financial aid. For details please see SHU's Financial Assistance Withdrawal Policy.

Verifying Student’s Schedule

Each student is responsible for checking their schedule on Web Advisor to make sure the information is correct. Any problems should immediately be directed to the Registrar’s Office. Students will be held academically and financially responsible for their registration as indicated on their schedule in Web Advisor.

Leaves of Absence

Medical Leave of Absence

Students who must leave the University because of a documented medical condition may request a medical leave of absence from the program director or department chair. Documentation of the serious nature of the medical condition must be provided. Medical leaves are generally approved for one semester but may be renewed for one additional semester with written permission from the dean of the college. Students may return at the end of the leave when medical clearance is provided. This policy does not bind the University to alter their curricula or major program, which may have been discontinued or substantially altered during the approved leave of absence. Students who change their program or major upon return will be under the requirements in effect at the time of their return.

The student is responsible for obtaining all relevant information that may affect their standing and benefits including but not limited to financial aid and veteran’s benefits. A student on approved medical leave is considered to be in continuous matriculation during that leave period. If a student does not return after the leave or extend it, he or she must go through the readmission process to return.

Military Leave of Absence

Graduate Students called to active duty while enrolled in the University should contact their program director. Students must present documentation. Students wishing to obtain a Military Leave of Absence may be offered the following options after the program director confers with financial aid, instructors, and other University officials:

  • Withdrawing from the courses with a full tuition refund or tuition credit, in accordance with University and government guidelines.
  • If a student completed at least 70% of the coursework and upon recommendation of his/her dean, the student may elect to take incompletes and make special arrangements for course completion with individual instructors.
  • Students are eligible to return within one year following active duty. However, the degree requirements may have changed, and the student may be required to comply with degree program requirements in effect at the time of their return to the University.

Complete Withdrawal from the University

Graduate students wishing to drop or withdraw from all their courses and thereby discontinue their enrollment should confer with their advisor or program director. University withdrawals are not official until all signatures are obtained. Any refunds will be determined by the official date of the withdrawal. All fees are nonrefundable. Drops will be recorded on the student’s record during the add/drop period. A “W” grade will be recorded and appear on the transcript for University withdrawals completed after the add/drop period.


Students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment as defined in an earlier section must apply for readmission through Graduate Admissions. Readmitted students must follow the guidelines in effect at the time of readmission.

Substitutions and Waivers

In order to maintain academic quality and integrity, no student will be granted a substitution for a course or credits unless it is in accordance with the University’s policy. A substitution may be granted at the discretion of the department chair/program director for any course in the respective discipline. However, if a student did not meet the academic requirements for a course, a substitution for that course will not be allowed. If the basis for the request of a substitution is a learning or physical disability, the student must contact the Director of Special Services and provide documentation of the disability. For information regarding this procedure, contact the Director of Special Services. All waivers and substitutions must meet the requirements of any academic program accredited and/or licensed by an outside accrediting body or governmental agency.

Application for Graduation

To receive a degree, a student must complete all requirements for that degree as listed in the catalog in effect at the time of admission into the program and a 3.0 GPA. Other conditions may apply for specific programs (see program information under the specific programs). All students eligible for a degree must apply for graduation candidacy at least one semester before completing the degree. An online application is available through Web Advisor. Failure to comply may result in a delay in receiving the degree by the anticipated graduation date. Degrees are conferred three times a year in May, August, and December. The Commencement Convocation is held once a year in May.

Students will be billed a graduation fee approximately one month before their anticipated graduation date. The graduation application fee is not refundable. In the event the student does not complete the requirements for the degree within one year of the originally indicated date, a new application including a new application fee will be required.

Students completing a credit certificate must submit an application for the certificate at least one semester in advance of completing the requirements. Failure to comply may result in a delay of receiving the certificate by the semester the certificate is completed. There is no fee for the credit certificate at this time.


The transcript is the official academic record. The student’s authorization must be received before a transcript will be released. The student should complete an electronic Transcript Request. The link is available on the Registrar’s Office website at www.sacredheart.edu/officesservices/registrar/. A fee is charged for each transcript requested. Transcripts will be withheld if the student has a financial obligation to the University.