2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Academic Policies

Student Status

To be considered a full-time graduate student at the University, candidates must maintain registered status for 9 credit hours per term.

Graduate students who are enrolled for a minimum of 3 credits in a term are considered half-time. International students (on an F-1 visa) must enroll for nine credit hours each term, Summer sessions excluded.

Time Limit For Degree Completion

A student must complete all the requirements for the degree within six years of the date of completion of the first course in the program. An extension of the time limit for completion of the degree can be granted only by the dean of the college after consultation with the program director.

Research Projects and Independent Study

Many programs allow or require students to participate in research projects and/or courses of independent study. In both instances, these require prior approval by the academic program director and dean of the college, and close supervision by a faculty member. Students should consult with the academic program director about their interest in a research project or independent study, and must obtain the necessary approval before registering for a research project or independent study course.

In research designs proposing to use human subjects, students are required to seek approval from the University’s Human Subject Review Committee before engaging in their research project. For further information, contact the dean of the appropriate college.


A thesis may be required, encouraged, or an option of a student’s graduate program. Since a thesis is a special form of original research, it requires careful supervision by either an individual faculty member or a program thesis committee. Students considering a thesis should discuss their interest with the appropriate program director or the office of the dean of the appropriate college.