2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Teaching

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is intended to accommodate the educational goals for three sets of educators: the MAT advanced program for those who have already earned an initial teacher certification, the MAT Advanced for those holding a bachelor’s degree who are also pursuing initial certification, and the MAT for SHU candidates who participate in the bachelor’s-to-master’s five-year program. The MAT program has the following four components that are designed to build on the applicant’s prior academic and school experience.

Core Requirements (12 Credits)

The core requirements of the MAT degree focus on the broad foundation of knowledge and skills required of all effective educators. The three areas of study in the core are:

  • Foundations: A course in the history or philosophy of education, or social foundations of education (3 credits)
  • Expressive/Receptive Communication: An advanced reading methods course, a course in content or professional development writing, or a course in personal or professional effectiveness (6 credits)
  • Seminar: Candidates may fulfill this requirement only after the completion of a minimum of 24 credits in MAT studies. Candidates select from several course options designed to assist them in analyzing and integrating their knowledge of teaching (3 credits) Seminars are designed to bring together small groups of advanced-level candidates who will explore a relevant topic or theme in education and engage in discourse related to assigned readings.

    Class Size: Seminars will be limited to 15 students.

    Active Participation: The seminar experience is characterized by active participation among all class members, each of whom is responsible for conscientious preparation, regular attendance, and contributing to ongoing dialogue.

    Scope: Seminars focus on essential questions related to current research and/or practice utilizing instructional approaches and formats that include inquiry, class discussion, and written reports, original projects, and/or presentations.

Concentration (12 Credits)

Candidates select courses for focused study in their area of interest. Concentrations are available in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Reading, Technology, Science, and Professional Enrichment.

Electives (6 Credits)

Subject to faculty advisor’s approval.

Culminating Requirement (3–6 Credits)

Candidates may select one of the following:

ED 573Professional Development: Phase I


ED 574Professional Development: Phase II


ED 590Master's Project/Thesis Seminar


ED 642Special Projects in Education Technology


ED 657Reflective Practitioner: Elementary


ED 658Reflective Practitioner: Secondary


ED 573, ED 574: For MAT-Advanced candidates only