6.1 Standards of Conduct
To assure safe, efficient and harmonious operations and to fully inform all employees of their responsibilities in this regard.
All employees of Rochester University.
The University’s standards of conduct are established for the guidance of all employees. Noncompliance with standards of conduct will lead to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.
Rochester University is committed to maintaining a Christian environment that will provide Christian leadership and personal example for the student body. Therefore, all employees must live a lifestyle that reflects the Christian values glorifying God and providing integrity, purity, example and respect. To set the desired example, employees are expected to live above reproach and in an uncompromising manner.
6.1.1 Faculty – Student Relations
The faculty student relationship is at the core of learning in the academic setting. Students look to faculty to stimulate thinking, pass on accumulated knowledge, and provide guidance. Since an imbalance of power exists in the faculty-student relationship, Rochester University discourages all romantic relations between faculty and students. If a faculty member does choose to enter into a romantic relationship with a student, he/she must first terminate any position and relinquish any university activities that includes evaluation and/or supervision of the student (e.g., student in class, advisee, work study student, etc.). The faculty member may not be in a position of evaluating or supervising the student at any time in the future. The faculty member must also notify his/her Department Chair who will in turn notify the appropriate Dean of the relationship. The Dean will inform the Provost of the situation in writing. The Chair, or Dean if applicable, will determine whether the aforementioned requirements were adhered to, and if not, take action to resolve any conflicts of interest that exist. Violations of this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including possible dismissal.
6.1.2 Staff – Student Relations
Students look to university employees to provide guidance. Recognizing the inherent imbalance of power in the employee-student relationship, the University discourages all romantic relations between staff employees and students. It is forbidden for staff employees to engage in such a relationship with a student who is currently under the employee’s supervision or where the staff employee has direct control or influence over the student’s life at Rochester University. It a staff employee does enter into a romantic relationship with a student, the employee must terminate any and all relationships of supervision and influence over the student. Furthermore, the employee should disclose the relationship to their supervisor, who will in turn disclose to the appropriate Vice President. Violations of this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including possible dismissal.
Breaches of Standards of Conduct (partial list)
- Falsifying an employment application, time sheet, personnel record or other university documents
- Sexual misconduct, including conduct such as sexual harassment, sexual assault or abuse, dating or carrying on a relationship while either the employee or the other party is married to a third person, sexual conduct outside of marriage which includes unmarried couples living together, and homosexual behavior or activity
- Illegal gambling, carrying weapons or explosives or violating criminal laws on University premises
- Fighting, horseplay, practical jokes or disorderly conduct which may endanger the well-being of others or University operations
- Engaging in acts of dishonesty, fraud, theft or sabotage
- Threatening, intimidating, coercing, using abusive or vulgar language or interfering with the performance of others
- Insubordination or refusal to comply with instructions or failure to perform reasonable duties which are assigned
- Unauthorized use of university material, time, equipment or property
- Damaging or destroying university property through careless or willful acts
- Conduct which the university determines reflects adversely on the employee or university
- The use of tobacco or alcoholic beverages with or in the presence of students is always considered inappropriate, regardless of the situation
This list is not representative of all activities which may result in corrective action. It is not intended to be comprehensive and does not alter the employment at will relationship between employees and the university.