17.2 Student Refunds (Tuition, Room, and Board)
The requirements of Title IV “Federal Refund Policy” reveal specific refund guidelines, which must be adhered to. This policy establishes acceptable guidelines.
- Institutional charges - tuition, room & board if living on campus, and fees associated with the previous.
- Non-institutional costs - room & board for commuters, transportation, and personal living expenses. (A budget for these costs has been provided for the financial aid office from the Department of ED.)
- Refund – the amount paid toward institutional charges for the period of enrollment that the student was charged and withdrew. This is the amount that must be sent back to the various student aid programs.
- Repayment - the amount of financial aid distributed to the student for non-institutional costs that is more than the student would have reasonably incurred for the period they were enrolled.
The last date of attendance for an official withdrawal will be the date documented by the university as the last date the student was in class or the date the withdrawal process begins. The date of attendance for an unofficial withdrawal will be the last recorded date of class attendance. When a student withdraws, an administrative fee not to exceed (are we going to impose this?) the lesser of $100 or 5% of the total institutional charges will be applied. The period of enrollment is based on weeks and figured as such. If the first day of classes begins on a Monday, then the week goes from Monday to Sunday. If there is at least one scheduled instructional class period or exam time during a week, it is considered a full week. When figuring out a refund one must look at two conditions: 1) If the student is attending the university for the first time and 2) if the student is withdrawing on or before the 60% point of time in the period of enrollment. If these apply, the statutory pro rata refund is used. If either one of these conditions does not apply, then the Federal Refund Policy or Institutional Policy must be used. This policy is used if the student withdraws before 50% of the enrollment period. It has been decided that the institutional policy of the university will mirror that of the Federal policy. The percentages and forms for these different refunds can be found in the Student Financial Aid Handbook. When a student has officially withdrawn, the university has up to 30 days from the student’s last date of attendance or for an unofficial withdrawal 30 days from the time the university determined the student has withdrawn to figure out the amount due to the student or owed to the university by that student. In returning money to the originating sources, there is a certain order it must be done. This can be found in the Student Financial Aid Handbook.
Policies Relating to this Subject
If a student has a credit balance on their account, the money will not be released to them until after the first week of classes unless it has been requested.
If a faculty member has a student in his or her class that is receiving a failing grade, a note must be put with the grade when turning it in as to when the last date of attendance was to the class.