Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

FRSC 6150 Medicolegal Death Investigation

In this graduate-level course, students will review the details of medicolegal death investigation, looking into the application of forensic science in determining cause and manner of death. Students will learn to analyze and interpret the physical evidence and medical documentation associated with death scenes, and develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate their findings. Students will also examine the ethical and legal considerations that underpin medicolegal death investigation, and explore the challenges and limitations of this field.

Registration Name

Med. Death Investigation

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Analyze and interpret the physical evidence and medical documentation associated with death scenes in order to determine cause and manner of death.
  2. Effectively communicate their findings in a court of law, taking into account the ethical and legal considerations that underpin medicolegal death investigation.
  3. Identify and evaluate the limitations and challenges of medicolegal death investigation, and develop strategies for addressing these issues.
  4. Apply the principles of forensic science and medicolegal death investigation to real-world cases, demonstrating their ability to think critically and solve complex problems in this field.