Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Educational Studies (BA)

The Educational Studies program at the undergraduate level focuses on preparing candidates for education-related careers that do not require teacher certification. Candidates who originally entered a bachelor's degree program in education but no longer want to complete the professional requirements for certification can complete this program, which allows candidates to explore learning theories, educational philosophies, and instructional strategies. Candidates will also explore culturally responsive practices and engaging learning environments. The capstone experience requires self-reflection, academic research, and scholarly writing. Candidates will complete a written portfolio and oral presentation during the capstone component of the program. Candidates who complete the undergraduate program in Educational Studies will not receive a recommendation for teacher certification.

Graduates of this program may apply to return to Piedmont University within five years to pursue a certification-only program. Students who want to enroll in a certification-only program must first pass the appropriate Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE) content examinations and obtain a preservice certificate.


Career Opportunities

  • Educational program coordinators
  • Professional development coordinators
  • Daycare directors/owners
  • Teachers at private schools
  • Camp directors
  • Recreational/youth program coordinators

Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe their personal philosophy of education.
  2. Demonstrate the appropriate use of research in educational academia.
  3. Design positive, culturally responsive learning environments.
  4. Accurately use the language of the field of education (vocabulary and acronyms).
  5. Demonstrate professional behaviors and dispositions

Bachelor of Arts Degree


Category I: The Individual (9 to 11 hours)

IA: Rhetoric

ENGL 1101


Rhetoric and Composition


IB: Mathematical Reasoning



Choose course from approved list

3 to 4

IC: Critical Thinking 



Choose course from approved list


ID: Scientific Method



Choose course from approved list

0 to 1

Category II: Western Civilization (15 hours)

IIA: Freshman Composition

ENGL 1102


Literature and Composition


IIB: Speaking



Choose course from approved list


IIC: Social and Behavioral Sciences



Choose course from approved list 


IID: Humanities 



Choose course from approved list 


IIE: Government 








Choose course from approved list 


Category III: World Citizen (12 hours)

IIIA: Modern Language



Choose sequence from approved list


IIIB: History of Other Cultures



Choose course from approved list


IIIC: Fine Arts



Choose course from approved list


 Category IV: The Natural World (6 to 9 hours)

 IVA: Natural Science



Choose course from approved list

6 to 9

Category V: Ethical Perspectives (3 hours)

VA: Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics



Choose course from approved list


 Category VI: Institutional Requirement (1 hour)

VIA: First-Year Experience

PDMT 1101


Introduction to University Life and
the Liberal Arts Tradition


Total Credit Hours:46-51
EDUC 4788Capstone/Exhibition


Education Foundations


Total Credit Hours:30
General Electives


Total Credit Hours:40-45