Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

SPED 7780 Capstone Seminar (with required portfolio exhibition)

This course is non-transferable and must be completed at Piedmont University.

Application for graduation must be submitted when registering for this class.

This course will provide the candidates with a synthesizing opportunity in order to integrate the program objectives in an applied format. Application will take place through the development of a Capstone portfolio and the exhibition presentation with a selected committee. This is a Pass or Fail course.

Registration Name

Capstone Seminar

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Fall and Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Create a professional development portfolio that demonstrates mastery of knowledge and skills related to the program outcomes for MAT Candidates or for MA Candidates.
  2. Create and present a scholarly exhibition that represents a personal synthesis of the program. The exhibition, presented to a three-member committee, will include discussion, examples, and other relevant artifacts that demonstrate professional and personal growth in the program of study.