Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Business Administration, M.B.A.

The Master of Business Administration program is designed to serve the educational and practical interests of individuals who are seeking managerial positions or wish to progress to higher levels of responsibility within their existing organizations. The program is especially beneficial to those with work experience. It is therefore preferred, but not required, that all candidates, especially those without business degrees, have two years of relevant experience. The focus of the program is on core concepts that relate to both small entrepreneurial businesses as well as large corporate enterprises. Our focus on core business competencies produces the following program outcomes.

Students graduating with a graduate business degree will have demonstrated the following goals:

  • A working knowledge of the functional areas of business
  • Effective critical thinking skills when addressing complex business problems
  • Effective research skills when applied to complex business problems
  • An engaged attitude toward business activities and working knowledge of the strategic management process

Program of Study: Requirements

ACCT 2010Financial Accounting


ACCT 2020Managerial Accounting


BUSA 1210Introduction to Microeconomics



BUSA 2210Introduction to Macroeconomics


BUSA 2100Business Analytics I



MATH 1300Elementary Statistics


  • A minimum of 36 semester graduate credit hours (12 courses) are required.
  • Rolling enrollment means students may start the program during any semester: Spring, Summer or Fall.
  • A flexible curriculum ensures that students never have to worry whether the classes they need will be available when they need them.
  • Hybrid format with 2 to 4 meetings per course with the remaining content, where appropriate, delivered online.

Required Courses for M.B.A.

BUSA 6100Managerial Ethics


BUSA 6200Strategic Marketing


BUSA 6230Managerial Economics


BUSA 6310Leadership


ACCT 6430/BUSA 6430International Financial Management


ACCT 6500/BUSA 6500Corporate Financial Analysis


ACCT 6530/BUSA 6530Managerial Accounting


BUSA 5600/BUSA 4355Managerial Business Analytics


BUSA 5610/BUSA 4610Advanced Project Management


BUSA 6820Human Resource Management and Compliance


BUSA 6900Strategic Management and Governance


BUSA 6910Capstone of Contemporary Issues



Summer Travel Study:
The Walker College of Business has been conducting Travel Abroad experiences for undergraduate students since 2002. In 2018, we initiated an experimental program for MBA students to travel abroad, and the response was very positive. As a result, we will continue to offer the travel abroad experience every other summer once pandemic restrictions are lifted and international travel is again possible. This program replaces 6 hours in the 36 hour curriculum and adds additional focus on the current undergraduate QEP initiatives. Substitutions into the standard M.B.A. curriculum will be at the discretion of the graduate advisor.

Beginning fall 2020, students may elect to focus on logistics and global supply chain management. Current events have highlighted previously unthought of risks associated with global sourcing. This requires that mangers rethink everything that previously was “just the way everybody does it”. A rigorous re-analysis of existing sourcing practices by well training logisticians who are fully versed in business analytics isn’t just the latest hot topic; it’s the only way to avoid significant competitive disadvantage over the next decade. Substitutions into the standard M.B.A. curriculum will be at the discretion of the graduate advisor

Logistics Certificate:
The M.B.A. student will be awarded a certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management upon the completion of BUSA5600, BUSA5610, BUSA5620, BUSA5700, and BUSA/ACCT 6500, with at least a 3.0 GPA in the coursework. Individuals who already possess an M.B.A. who wish to earn the Logistics Certificate must complete BUSA5600, BUSA5610, BUSA5620, BUSA5700 with at least a 3.0 GPA in the coursework.