Graduate Catalog 2019-2020

EDSE 7735 Secondary Methods I

A companion course to internship teaching. A study of instructional methods, including cooperative learning, inquiry learning, grouping considerations, and other instructional variables. Candidates will learn how to select, plan, sequence, implement, and evaluate various instructional methodologies applicable to their student teaching placement. The course includes a study of program and curriculum design in relation to individual differences among students, teaching strategies, and expected outcomes. The Democratic classroom and the Core Candidate Learning outcomes will be discussed in detail.




EDSE 7736

Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: fall, spring — Athens Campus: fall

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


  1. Explore, analyze, and test a variety of instructional, management, assessment, and communication strategies and skills, grounded in research & theory and content domain knowledge, for use in today’s diverse classrooms.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 1- 9, and SECMCLO 1 and 5.
    2. As measured by the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the School Case Study, rubric attached on section Description of participants
  2. Be reflective about own teaching and make suggestions for improvement.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 9 and SECMCLO 4 and 5.
    2. As measured by the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the CCLO portfolio, which includes reflections on a candidates own teaching.
  3. Develop coherent instructional curriculum, integrating content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s CCLO 1 – 7 and SECMCLO 2 and 5.
    2. As measured by the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the Context for Learning (EDTPA) document, which includes curriculum development and pedagogical content knowledge
  4. Develop a consistent overall approach to teaching for today’s academically, linguistically and culturally diverse classroom.
    1. This course outcome is aimed at meeting the School of Education’s Core Candidate Learning Outcomes (CCLO) 1 – 8 and Secondary Education Candidate Learning Outcomes (SECMCLO) 1, 3, and 5.
    2. As measured by the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the School Case Study, rubric attached on section Description of participants, who are students in a potentially diverse classroom.