Associate in Science Degree Requirements

An Associate in Science (AS) degree will be awarded upon completion of the hours specified in the program. The individual must complete a minimum of 15 hours in General Education courses and the remaining courses listed in the program. (The majority of AS degrees at PHSC require 18 hours in General Education courses; however, to learn about the specific General Education requirements in your AS program, please refer to that program description in the Catalog.) Courses designated for technical certificates, except where specific articulation agreements exist, or those below the 1000 or 2000 level, are not applicable to this degree. At least 25 percent of the hours in a student's program, other than by Credit-By-Examination, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Advanced Placement (AP), must be earned in residence in classroom instruction at PHSC. A cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 must be achieved prior to graduation.

A grade of "C" or higher is required for all General Education courses whether they are being used to fulfill program or elective requirements.

The General Education requirements for the AS Degree are:


Communications: 3 Semester Credit Hours

The following course is required for all students:

ENC 1101English Composition I

3 cr.

Note(s): Students are encouraged to enroll in English Composition I (ENC 1101) during the first term of their enrollment at the College. The credit-hour requirement noted above still must be met as specified in the AS program description.


Mathematics: 3 Semester Credit Hours

Select one of the following courses:

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cr.

MAC 1147Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry

5 cr.

MAC 2233Applied Calculus

4 cr.

MAC 2311Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

5 cr.

MAC 2312Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

5 cr.

MAC 2313Calculus and Analytic Geometry III

4 cr.

MAP 2302Differential Equations

3 cr.

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts

3 cr.

MGF 1107Explorations in Mathematics

3 cr.

MTG 2206College Geometry

3 cr.

STA 2023Introduction to Statistics

3 cr.

Note(s): Credit earned in courses not offered by PHSC but awarded via transfer evaluations, examinations and other external credit mechanisms may also be used to meet the Area II requirement. Courses must begin with the following prefixes: MAC, MAP, MGF, MTG or STA. The credit-hour requirement noted above still must be met as specified in the AS program description.


Natural Sciences: 3 Semester Credit Hours

Select one of the following courses:

AST 1002Introduction to Astronomy

3 cr.

BSC 1005Introduction to Biology

3 cr.

BSC 1020Human Biology

3 cr.

BSC 1050Introduction to Environmental Science

3 cr.


BSC 1085Human Anatomy and Physiology I

3 cr.


BSC 1085LHuman Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory

1 cr.


BSC 1086Human Anatomy and Physiology II

3 cr.


BSC 1086LHuman Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory

1 cr.


BSC 1311Marine Biology

3 cr.


BSC 2010Biology I

3 cr.


BSC 2010LBiology I Laboratory

1 cr.


CHM 1020Chemistry in Your Life

3 cr.


CHM 1025Introductory Chemistry

3 cr.


CHM 1025LIntroductory Chemistry Laboratory

1 cr.


CHM 2045General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis I

3 cr.


CHM 2045LGeneral Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis I Laboratory

1 cr.


CHM 2210COrganic Chemistry I

5 cr.

GLY 2010Introduction to Geology

3 cr.


MCB 2010Microbiology

3 cr.


MCB 2010LMicrobiology Laboratory

1 cr.


MET 2010Introduction to Meteorology

3 cr.

OCE 2001Introduction to Oceanography

3 cr.


PHY 1053General Physics I

3 cr.


PHY 1053LGeneral Physics I Laboratory

1 cr.


PHY 2048CGeneral Physics I with Calculus

4 cr.

PSC 1121Survey of the Physical Sciences

3 cr.

PSC 1341Introduction to the Physical Sciences

3 cr.


Credit earned in courses not offered by PHSC but awarded via transfer evaluations, examinations and other external credit mechanisms also may be used to meet the Area III requirement. Courses must begin with the following prefixes: AST, BOT, BSC, CHM, GLY, MCB, MET, OCE, PHY or PSC. The credit-hour requirement noted above still must be met as specified in the AS program description.


Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 Semester Credit Hours

Select one of the following courses:

AMH 2010History of the United States I

3 cr.

AMH 2020History of the United States II

3 cr.

AMH 2070History of Florida

3 cr.

AMH 2091Survey of African American History

3 cr.

ANT 2000Introduction to Anthropology

3 cr.

ANT 2100Introduction to Archaeology

3 cr.

ANT 2410Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

3 cr.

ANT 2511Introduction to Physical Anthropology

3 cr.

CLP 2140Abnormal Psychology

3 cr.

DEP 2002Child Psychology

3 cr.

DEP 2004Lifespan Development

3 cr.

DEP 2302Adolescent Psychology

3 cr.

DEP 2402Psychology of Adulthood and Aging

3 cr.

ECO 2013Principles of Macroeconomics

3 cr.

ECO 2023Principles of Microeconomics

3 cr.

EDP 2002Educational Psychology

3 cr.

EUH 1000Western Civilization I: 700 BC to 1200 CE

3 cr.

EUH 1001Western Civilization II: 1200 to 1763

3 cr.

GEA 2000World Regional Geography

3 cr.

GEA 2210Geography of North America

3 cr.

HIS 2300War and Society

3 cr.

INR 2002Introduction to International Relations

3 cr.

ISS 2160Contemporary Ethnic Diversity Issues

3 cr.

ISS 2263Psychosocial Aspects of the Holocaust

3 cr.

POS 2041American Federal Government

3 cr.

POS 2112State and Local Government

3 cr.

PPE 2001Introduction to Personality

3 cr.

PSY 1012Introduction to Psychology

3 cr.

SOP 2640Consumer Psychology

3 cr.

SOP 2721Cross-Cultural Psychology

3 cr.

SOP 2772Human Sexuality

3 cr.

SYG 1361Death in America

3 cr.

SYG 1420Families in Transition

3 cr.

SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology

3 cr.

SYG 2010Social Problems

3 cr.

SYG 2221Women in American Society

3 cr.

SYG 2430Marriage and The Family

3 cr.

SYG 2809Gender Violence in Global Perspectives

3 cr.

SYO 2201Sociology of Religion

3 cr.

Note(s): Credit earned in courses not offered by PHSC but awarded via transfer evaluations, examinations and other external credit mechanisms may also be used to meet the Area IV requirement. Courses must begin with the following prefixes: AMH, ANT, CLP, DEP, ECO, EDP, EUH, GEA, HIS, INR, ISS, POS, PPE, PSY, SOP, SYG or SYO. The credit-hour requirement noted above must still be met as specified in the AS program description.


Humanities: 3 Semester Credit Hours

Select one of the following courses:

ARH 1000Art Appreciation

3 cr.

HUM 1020Introduction to Humanities

3 cr.

HUM 2210Humanities: The Ancient World to the Middle Ages

3 cr.

HUM 2230Humanities: The Renaissance to the Modern Day

3 cr.

MUL 1110Music Appreciation

3 cr.

PHI 1630Applied Ethics

3 cr.

PHI 1010Introduction to Philosophy

3 cr.

PHI 2070Introduction to Non-Western Philosophy

3 cr.

PHI 2100Introduction to Logic

3 cr.

REL 2000Introduction to Religion

3 cr.

REL 2300World Religions

3 cr.

THE 2010Survey of Drama: Ancient Greece to the Early Renaissance

3 cr.

THE 2011Survey of Drama: High Renaissance to Present

3 cr.

THE 1000Theatre Appreciation

3 cr.

Note(s): Credit earned in courses not offered by PHSC but awarded via transfer evaluations, examinations and other external credit mechanisms also may be used to meet the Area V requirement. Courses must begin with the following prefixes: ARH, HUM, MUL, PHI, REL or THE. The credit-hour requirement noted above still must be met as specified in the AS program description.


Information Literacy and Technological Fluency: 3 Semester Credit Hours

The following course is required for all students:

CGS 1100Microcomputer Applications

3 cr.

Note(s): Students are encouraged to enroll in Microcomputer Applications (CGS 1100) during the first term of their enrollment at the college.

Civic Literacy Requirement

To whom does the civic literacy requirement apply?

For students entering in: The civic literacy requirement applies to: In the following programs: These students must:
2018-19 - 2020-21 First-time-in-college students



Pass a course OR pass an assessment
2021-22 Students entering FCS under 2021-22 catalog year*



Pass a course AND pass an assessment
2022-23** Students entering FCS 2022-23 catalog year



Pass a course AND pass an assessment

* There is not a state requirement governing policy on catalog year in effect for returning students. Policies and procedures relating to assigning catalog years are left to institutions to determine.

** The Florida Department of Education (Department) anticipate entering into rule development o add the civic literacy requirement as a condition of A.S./A.A.S. degree completion to coincide with , general education changes from House Bill 1507, which will be effective with the 2022-23 catalog year.

Additional Information

Each program also will include computer competencies, general computational skills, oral communication skills and human relations skills taught in a specific course or courses, based on the curricular needs. Some programs also may require particular courses to meet the requirements in II, III, IV, V and VI above. See the individual program listings for required General Education courses that must be completed.

It is strongly recommended that the first of any required English and mathematics courses be taken within the first 15 hours of course work. If the need for college preparatory courses is indicated by placement scores, college preparatory courses must be completed by the time the student completes 12 credit hours. The first of any required English and mathematics courses, as applicable, should be taken as soon thereafter as the student demonstrates the necessary skills for these courses.

In accordance with state Rule 6A.10.0315(1), Florida Administrative Code, students entering into degree programs (including AA and AS) shall enroll in college preparatory communication and computation courses if their placement test scores indicate a need for college preparatory coursework. Students must successfully complete required college preparatory coursework by the time they have accumulated 12 hours of college credit courses, or must maintain continuous enrollment in college preparatory courses until requirements are completed while performing satisfactorily in their degree coursework.