Fees and Expenses

All fees are subject to change based on approval of the District Board of Trustees and State Legislature in accordance with FS 1009.23.

Laboratory Fees—Credit Courses

Course Prefixes and Numbers Fees     Course Prefixes and Numbers Fees
ACG 2450 $25      ETD 1100 $10
ATF 2201 $10,445     ETD 1530  $25 
ATF 2202  $7,826.80      ETD 2110 $25 
ATF 2203  $8,185.40      ETD 2320  $25 
ATF 2305  $9,731      ETD 2340  $25 
ATF 2400  $8,155.80      ETD 2381  $25 
BSC 1085L $25     ETM 2315 $17
BSC 1086L $25     ETS 1511 $17
BSC 2010L $30     ETS 1535 $17
BSC 2011L $30     ETS 1540 $17
CAP 2134 $25     ETS 1542 $17
CET 1179 $40     GIS 2040 $25
CET 1600 $100     HUS 2940
CET 1610 $100     ISM 4011 $25
CET 2615
$100     MCB 2010L $28
CET 2620 $100     NSP 1700C $20
CET 2793 $25
    NUR 1006L $95
CET 2880 $25
    NUR 1021L
CGS 1000
CGS 1100
NUR 1200L Paramedic
CGS 1820
  NUR 1211L
CGS 2108
    NUR 2261L
NUR 2403L
CGS 2304
CGS 2821
    NUR 2460L
CGS 2827
    OST 1100
CHM 1025L
OST 1110
CHM 2045L  $34     OST 1355
CHM 2046L
    OST 1764
CHM 2210C
    OST 1811
CHM 2211C
    OST 2335
CIS 2204
    OST 2401
CIS 2354 $25
    OST 2852
CIS 2388
    PEL 1111
CNT 1000
    PEL 1121
CNT 1401
    PEL 1122
CNT 2510
$25      PEL 1341
COP 1000 $25      PEL 1342
COP 1332
$25      PEL 1441

COP 1839
$25     PEM 1171
COP 2071
$25     PEM 1172
COP 2360
$25     PGY 1401C $20
COP 2654
$25     PGY 1404C
COP 2801
$25     PGY 2405C
$25     PHY 1053L
CTS 1110
    PHY 1054L
CTS 2106
    PHY 2048C
CTS 2123
    PHY 2049C
CTS 2340
    RTE 1418L
CTS 2372
    RTE 1458L
CTS 2411
    RTE 1503L
CTS 1109
$25     RTE 1513L
DEH 1002L
    RTE 1523L
DEH 1800L
    THE 2925A
DEH 2702L
    THE 2925B
DEH 2802L
    THE 2925C
DEH 2804L $245     ETS 1535
DEH 2806L
    ETS 1540
DES 1020L
    ETS 1542
DES 1100L
$133     ETM 2315
DES 1200L
$154 ETS 1511
DES 2051L $107

EMS 1119L $60

EMS 1431 $192

EMS 2620

EMS 2620L
EMS 2622
EMS 2622L
EMS 2624
EMS 2624L











Course Fees

All fees are subject to change based on approval of the District Board of Trustees and State Legislature in accordance with FS 1009.23.

Fees for registration are due prior to the published "fees due" date. Thereafter, fees are due by the end of the business day on which students register. Students who have not paid their fees face loss of their classes; however, it is the student's responsibility to check WISE to make sure that classes were dropped. The following schedule of fees is applicable to all students, including those in an audit status.

Baccalaureate Credit

Florida resident$126.08 per credit hour
Non-Florida resident$476.77 per credit hour

College Credit and College Preparatory Credit

Includes advanced, professional and postsecondary vocational (PSV) courses. Fees include financial aid fee, student activities and services fee, technology fee and capital improvement fee. The following fees are effective with the fall 2015 term.

Florida resident$105.18 per credit hour
Non-Florida resident$401.05 per credit hour

Technical Credit

Includes post-secondary adult vocational (PSAV) courses. Includes a financial aid fee and a capital improvement fee. The following fees are effective with the fall 2015 term.

Florida resident$ 88.08 per credit hour
Non-Florida resident$352.31 per credit hour

Laboratory Fees—Technical Credit Courses

Course Letters and Numbers Fees   Course Letters and Numbers Fees
CJK 0020 $103.57   PMT 0080 $100
CJK 0027 $52.33   PMT 0081 $100
CJK 0028 $23.33    PMT 0082
CJK 0031 $79.18   PMT 0083
CJK 0032 $15.84   PMT 0085
CJK 0040
  PMT 0086
CJK 0042 $110.72   PMT 0106
CJK 0051
  PMT 0112
CJK 0052 $11.80   PMT 0121
CJK 0065
$78.50   PMT 0122
CJK 0082
  PMT 0125
CJK 0087
$25   PMT 0126
CJK 0212
  PMT 0130
CJK 0422
  PMT 0131
CTS 0022
  PMT 0132
CTS 0023
  PMT 0133
CTS 0024
  PMT 0134
CTS 0029
  PMT 0138
CTS 0050
  PMT 0141
CTS 0076
  PMT 0143
CTS 0077
  PMT 0145
CTS 0078
  PMT 0150
DEA 0744L
  PMT 0151
DEA 0751L
  PMT 0161
DEA 0755L
  PMT 0164
DEA 0757L
  PMT 0165
DEA 0758L
  PMT 0171
EEV 0317
  PMT 0172
EEV 0504
  PMT 0173
FFP 0010
  PMT 0174
FFP 0020
  PMT 0175
HCP 0741L
  PRN 0000L
HIM 0061
  PRN 0002L
HIM 0062
  PRN 0120L
HIM 0063
  PRN 0204L
HIM 0274
  PRN 0205L
HIM 0280
  PTN 0032L
HIM 0281
  PTN 0033L
HCP 0731L
  STS 0155L
HCP 0741L
  STS 0156L
MEA 0200
  STS 0401L
OTA 0040

OTA 010

OTA 0609A

OTA 0611

PMT 0070

PMT 0071

PMT 0072
PMT 0073
PMT 0074
PMT 0075
PMT 0076



Continuing Education Fees

Community and Professional Education

Course fees $6 per clock hour*
Lifelong Learning (NCL) $6 per clock hour*
 (*Additional fees may apply)   

Fees for Repeated Courses

Subject to change based on implementation of FS 1009.285

On the third attempt of a college credit and/or preparatory course, students will be charged the full cost of instruction, which is equivalent to the out-of-state (non-Florida resident) fees. Previous enrollments in college credit and/or preparatory courses before fall term 1997 at PHSC will not apply in calculating student fees for repeated courses.

Limited Access and Selected Admissions Application Fee

Certain programs have limited access or selected admissions, which means students applying for admission must complete a separate, specific application to that program. The fee for submitting a limited or selected admissions program application is $25 per program. (This application fee is in addition to the $25 admission application fee.) The following is a list of limited access programs:

Dental (Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene)

Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic)

Health Information Technology

Law Enforcement/Correctional programs

Nursing (BSN, RN, PN, Transition)

Pharmacy Technician


Surgical Technology

Special Additional Fees

All special fees are normally nonrefundable and nontransferable once paid by the student.

EMS Courses - Testing Fee  
EMS 2620 $180
NHA Testing Fee - 
HCP 0742 $115
HCP 0742 (If proctored on PHSC campus-add $10) $125
HIM 0281 $105
OTA 0627 $155
OTA 0627 (If proctored on PHSC campus-add $10) $165
PTN 0093 (If proctored on PHSC campus) $129
Practical Nursing Courses - ATI Skills Videos
PRN 0000L $33.33
PRN 0120L $33.33
PRN 0204L $33.33
Practical Nursing/Nursing Courses - ATI Real Life Videos
NUR 1021L $300
NUR 1200L $250
Practical Nursing/Nursing Courses - ATI Testing Fee
NUR 1021 $814
NUR 1200 $825
Practical Nursing/Nursing Courses - ATI Testing and NCLEX Review Fee
PRN 0000 $348.34
PRN 0120 $308.34
PRN 0204 $318.33
Practical Nursing/Nursing Courses - NCLEX Review Fee
NUR 2261 $309
AST Gold Student Exam Bundle  
Fire Academy Fees  
FFP 0010 $350 

Additional Fees

Application to PHSC $25
Application fee -limited access and selected admission programs (per program) $25
Application fee - international students $40
Career assessment for non-PHSC students $20
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) - administrative fee $20
Common Placement Test (CPT/P.E.R.T.) - retake for PHSC students $5
Commencement participation fee (includes cap and gown) $30
Credit by examination (per credit hour) $30
Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT) - PHSC student $50
Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT) - non-PHSC student $55
Distance learning fee (per credit hour) (See below for exceptions*) $15
Encore Academy Club fee (per year) $175
Graduation application $15
ID Card replacement $10
Late registration $20
Lost/damaged library book (in addition to book replacement cost) $15
Music - Applied music courses $90
Music - Ensemble courses $20
Print service - pay-for-print (per copy) $0.10
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) non-PHSC students $20
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) $50
Test proctoring (per test) $25

Student Health Insurance

Individual Student Health Insurance - $8

Criminal Justice: CJK 0096, CJK 0240, CJK 0280, CJK 0340, CJK 0392

Dental Assisting: DEA 0758L

Dental Hygiene: DEH 1002L, DEH 2804L

Emergency Medical Technician: EMS 1431

Engineering Technology: ETM 2315, ETS 1511, ETS 1535, ETS 1540, ETS 1542

Medical Administrative Assistant: OTA 0627

Nursing Assistant: HCP 0604

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200L (LPNs only)

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L, NUR 2460L

Nursing-BSN: NUR 4636C

Paramedic: EMS 2621

Pharmacy Technician: PTN 0032L

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Phlebotomy: HCP 0742

Radiography: RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

Surgical Technology: STS 0155L, STS 0257

Individual Professional Liability Insurance

Individual Professional Liability Insurance for Health Occupation Programs - $23

Nursing - BSN: NUR 4636C

Dental Assisting: DEA 0758L

Dental Hygiene: DEH 1002L, DEH 2804L

Emergency Medical Technician: EMS 1431

Health Unit Coordinator: WCL 0050

Human Services: HUS 2940

Medical Administrative Specialist: OTA 0627

Nursing Assistant: HCP 0604

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L, NUR 2460L

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200L (LPNs only)

Paramedic: EMS 2621

Pharmacy Technician: PTN 0043

Phlebotomy: HCP 0742

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Radiography: RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

Surgical Technology: STS 0255, STS 0257

Radiation Monitoring Badge

Radiation Monitoring Badge - $60

Dental Hygiene: DEH 1002L, DEH 2804L

Dental Assisting: DEA 0758L

Radiography: RTE 1503, RTE 1523

EHR Electronic Health Record System

EHR Electronic Health Record System (ElsevierEHR) - $64.00

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L, NUR 1211L, NUR 2261L, NUR 2460L, NUR 2403L

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1200L

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L, PRN 0120L, PRN 0204L

Drug and Alcohol Screening $ 34.00

Drug and Alcohol Screening Fees

Dental Assisting: DEA 0751L

Dental Hygiene:  DEH 1800L

Emergency Medical Technician:  EMS 1431

Nursing - BSN: NUR 4636C

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200L (LPNs only)

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L, NUR 2460L

Paramedic: EMS 2161

Pharmacy:  PTN 0043

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Radiography: RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

Surgical: STS 0255

Major Field Test

Major Field Test $25.00

Major Field Test Student Outcome Assessment -  $25.00

GEB 4891

Mental Health First Aid Training Fee

Mental Health First Aid Training Fee - $110.00

Mental Health First Aid Training Fee - $110.00

Human Services Practicum: HUS 2941

Medical Document Tracker

Medical Document Tracker - $20

Emergency Medical Technician: EMS 1431

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200L (LPNs only)

Paramedic: EMS 2621

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Medical Document Tracker - $35

Radiography: RTE 1111L


Fingerprinting - $49.25

Community Dental Health Clinical: DEH 2702L

Dental Assisting: DEA 0753L

Emergency Medical Technician: EMS 1432

Nursing - BSN: NUR 4636C

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200 (LPNs only)

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L, NUR 2460L

Paramedic: EMS 2621

Pharmacy Technician: PTN 0043

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Radiography:  RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

Surgical Technician:  STS 0255

Background Check

Nationwide Federal Criminal Background Check - $77.75

Dental Assisting: DEA 0758L

Dental Hygiene I Clinical: DEH 1002L

Emergency Medical Technician: EMS 1431

Nursing - BSN: NUR 4636C

Nursing - Generic: NUR 1021L

Nursing - Transition: NUR 1006L (Paramedic students only), NUR 1200L (LPNs only)

Paramedic: EMS 2621

Pharmacy Technician: PTN 0043

Practical Nursing: PRN 0000L

Radiography: RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

Surgical Technology: STS 0255

Criminal Background - Second Year Recheck - $62.75

Nursing - Generic: NUR 2460L

Radiography: RTE 2824

Payment and Financial Obligations

Students ultimately are responsible for payment of tuition, fees, books and any other expenses incurred while attending PHSC, regardless of financial assistance provided by parents, relatives or others. Students should know and understand responsibilities regarding the payment of financial obligations.

PHSC accepts cash and personal checks as well as Discover, Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards for payment of tuition, fees, books and other expenses. Fees may be paid at any PHSC College Store or online by credit card through PHSC's online registration system, WISE.

Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)

The College offers a Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) for PHSC students enrolled in credit courses. TIP allows students to select installment plans spread over several months, depending on the term. The earlier students enroll, the more payment options available. Students should check TIP Enrollment Calendar located on the Financial Services website for important dates and associated fees. Students who choose to use TIP may enroll online thru WISE. After enrollment, students may use the MyFACTS account link to access their account online. Students must contact the Financial Services office if any schedule changes are made that will affect their agreement.

Payment Methods

Payment by Check

Personal checks will be accepted for the payment of tuition, fees and other expenses. Checks must have full name and address printed on the check, driver's license  and state of issuance of the person who signed the check, home and work phone number, student's name and ID number.

If a check is returned by the College's bank for nonpayment, the following actions will occur:

  1. If classes have not started, students will be dropped from their classes
  2. After classes have begun, restrictions will be placed on students' files

If students have two or more personal checks returned to the College by the bank due to nonpayment (NSF, account closed, etc.) any subsequent payments to the College must be made by cash, cashier's check, money order or credit card. In addition, students' check writing privileges to the College will be revoked for a period of five years. Any unpaid check is classified as a delinquent financial obligation. Unpaid, returned checks will be sent to either the State Attorney's office or the College's collection agency for further attempts at collection. A service fee in accordance with Florida Statutes 832.08 will be charged on all returned checks and students also may be liable for any collection fees.

Payment by Deferment

Deferments will be granted to veterans and other financial aid students on a case-by-case basis up to 60 days from the first day of classes. All deferments must be paid on the 61st day from the first day of classes in the term issued with the exception of enrollment in mini-terms.

Payment of deferments for mini-terms is due no later than 10 days prior to the end of class. Students are responsible for the payment of the deferment and will be subject to restrictions and collection practices if the deferment remains unpaid.

Payment by Third Party Sponsors

If employers or other agencies are paying for students' tuition and fees through direct payment to the College, students should present original letters of authorization signed by third party sponsors to the Financial Services office. PHSC will not accept letters of authorization that are contingent upon students achieving a passing grade or completing courses. Also, PHSC will not accept letters that state that the employees will be reimbursed for their fees. Any fees that remain unpaid by third-party sponsors will be the students' responsibility and will be subject to the restrictions and collection practices described below if not paid in a timely manner.

Payment by Financial Aid

Student fees also may be paid by financial aid funds for those students who are eligible to receive such funds. Please see the Financial Aid and Scholarships section for additional information.

Unpaid Financial Obligations (Delinquent Accounts)

Delinquent student accounts are sufficient cause to prevent future registration for classes at the College, issuance of diplomas, or certificates, to which students may otherwise be entitled, and the release of transcripts and grades.

Outstanding student balances owed to PHSC may be referred to a collection agency. If this action should occur, students will be responsible for any fees and costs incurred in the collection of the amount owed, which may be based on a percentage, at a maximum of 33.33%, of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred in such collection efforts.

Delinquent accounts that have not been referred to a collection agency may be paid at any College Store via cash, check, money order, Discover, Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Payments also may be mailed to PHSC Financial Services, 10230 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, FL 34654 or paid online through WISE. In order to remove restrictions from student records, payment of delinquent accounts must be made in full.

If the delinquent account has been referred to the College's collection agency, it is preferred the payment, including collection costs and fees, be made in full to the collection agency or a payment arrangement be made. In extenuating circumstances the College may accept payment in full at any College Store.

Title IV Federal Repayment Guidelines

Students receiving Federal Title IV Financial Aid (Pell, FSEOG, William D. Ford and William D. Ford Plus Loans) must attend classes through at least 60 percent of the term. Failure to do so may result in the student being required to pay back all or a portion of his or her Title IV Financial Aid funds to the federal government and/or to PHSC. This will result in delinquent student accounts and will be processed accordingly.

Florida Bright Futures Repayment Guidelines

Students receiving Florida Bright Futures must reimburse the postsecondary institution for the cost of course(s) dropped or withdrawn after the initial drop/add period. Nonrefunded hours may affect the student's renewal eligibility. Please refer to the OSFA website for additional details. Review the Financial Aid and Scholarships information within this catalog or on the PHSC website Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program page.

Refunds of Student Tuition and Fees

No refunds shall be made to students who are withdrawn administratively for disciplinary reasons, are withdrawn administratively for nonattendance, or who withdraw from courses after the designated drop/add refund deadline, except for documented circumstances as identified in DBOT Rule 6Hx19-5.08:

  1. Credit Courses
    1. A 100 percent refund of tuition and fees, with the exception of special additional fees as defined in the Catalog and Student Handbook, will be granted if the student "drops" a course before the end of the drop/add period for a term as specified in the College Calendar. Refunds after the end of the drop/add period may be authorized, with sufficient documentation, as follows:
      1. Death of a student or the death of an immediate family member of the student (parent, spouse or child), as documented by the student or the student's estate, which precludes the student from being able to complete current semester's courses
      2. Critical medical emergency of the student or an immediate family member of the student (parent, spouse or child) of such a severity or of such a duration, as documented by a licensed physician, that it would preclude a student from being able to complete the current semester's courses
      3. Active duty military service, which would preclude the student from being able to complete the current semester's courses
      4. Course/class cancellation by the College
      5. Administrative or College error
      6. Other circumstances as may be approved by the president or a designee
    2. Appeals based on the above exceptions must be in writing and submitted to the Student Affairs office at any College campus. Appeals initially will be reviewed by an assistant dean of student affairs. Appeals based upon any of the documented extenuating circumstances identified in this Board Rule will be forwarded by the assistant dean of student affairs to the dean of student affairs and enrollment management for approval or denial.
    3. Exceptions to the 100 percent refund provision are subject to federal regulations for Title IV Financial Aid repayments
    4. The fee for late registration will be refunded when the only course in which the student is enrolled is canceled by the College, or in cases of administrative error, state employee tuition waivers or other extenuating circumstances
    5. For courses that start at a time other than the beginning of a regular term and for which the drop/add dates are not specified in the College Calendar, the final refund date shall be the end of the day on which 10 percent of the prescribed instructional hours in the course occurs
  2. Continuing Education/Noncredit Courses

    Except for online noncredit courses, a full refund will be issued to a student who drops any noncredit course prior to the start of the first class. Exceptions to this policy will follow those listed in "A. Credit Courses". Online noncredit course fees will be refunded if the student drops prior to noon of the day before the start of the first class, but will not be refunded after that time.

  3. Refunds Amounting to $1 or Less Will Not Be Returned to the Student

College Store Refunds

The College Store will accept textbook returns for refunds during registration, drop/add and the week immediately following the end of the drop/add period. Store personnel cannot issue a refund if the textbook has been damaged in any way, written in or presented without the original cash register receipt. If students have outstanding balances owed to the College, then any refund for books or supplies will be applied to or reduced by the outstanding balance owed to the College.

Online Noncredit Courses

Full refunds will be issued to students who drop from any online noncredit class prior to noon of the day before the start date of the first class. No refunds will be given after this time. For contract training courses, please refer to the "Letter of Agreement" for cancellation and refund policies.

BankMobile Disbursements

BankMobile Disbursements partners with PHSC to disburse financial aid balances and tuition refunds for PHSC students. A refund selection kit will be mailed automatically to all certificate and degree seeking students after registration and payment of classes. During the refund selection process students use a unique personal code to set up an account and choose the method of disbursement of their funds. Students have 3 options: an electronic deposit to their existing bank account, a traditional paper check that will be mailed to the address on file or an electronic deposit to a BankMobile Vibe Account (an online, non-interest bearing checking account serviced by BankMobile Disbursements, a division of Customers Bank).

Even if you don’t expect a financial aid disbursement or refund, select your preferences during the enrollment process to access future financial aid disbursements or refunds.

Contact Information

  1. Contact the Financial Aid office regarding:
    1. Questions concerning students' financial aid, including eligibility for financial aid, disbursement dates, amount of aid available, and eligibility for deferment of tuition and fees
    2. Questions concerning students' deferment not being paid by Pell, student loan or other scholarship
    3. Deferment due dates
  2. Contact the Financial Services office for the following:
    1. Questions concerning a dishonored check and payment of dishonored checks
    2. Questions concerning students' accounts not being paid by a third party
    3. Verification of students' delinquent accounts
    4. How to pay a deferment or delinquent account
    5. Questions concerning delinquent accounts referred to collections