Refunds of Student Tuition and Fees

No refunds shall be made to students who are withdrawn administratively for disciplinary reasons, are withdrawn administratively for nonattendance, or who withdraw from courses after the designated drop/add refund deadline, except for documented circumstances as identified in DBOT Rule 6Hx19-5.08:

  1. Credit Courses
    1. A 100 percent refund of tuition and fees, with the exception of special additional fees as defined in the Catalog and Student Handbook, will be granted if the student "drops" a course before the end of the drop/add period for a term as specified in the College Calendar. Refunds after the end of the drop/add period may be authorized, with sufficient documentation, as follows:
    1. Death of a student or the death of an immediate family member of the student (parent, spouse or child), as documented by the student or the student's estate, which precludes the student from being able to complete current semester's courses
    2. Critical medical emergency of the student or an immediate family member of the student (parent, spouse or child) of such a severity or of such a duration, as documented by a licensed physician, that it would preclude a student from being able to complete the current semester's courses
    3. Active duty military service, which would preclude the student from being able to complete the current semester's courses
    4. Course/class cancellation by the College
    5. Administrative or College error
    6. Other circumstances as may be approved by the president or a designee
    1. Appeals based on the above exceptions must be in writing and submitted to the Student Development office at any College campus. Appeals initially will be reviewed by an assistant dean of student development. Appeals based upon any of the documented extenuating circumstances identified in this Board Rule will be forwarded by the assistant dean of student development to the dean of student development and enrollment management for approval or denial.
    2. Exceptions to the 100 percent refund provision are subject to federal regulations for Title IV Financial Aid repayments
    3. The fee for late registration will be refunded when the only course in which the student is enrolled is canceled by the College, or in cases of administrative error, state employee tuition waivers or other extenuating circumstances
    4. For courses that start at a time other than the beginning of a regular term and for which the drop/add dates are not specified in the College Calendar, the final refund date shall be the end of the day on which 10 percent of the prescribed instructional hours in the course occurs
  2. Continuing Education/Noncredit Courses
    Except for online noncredit courses, a full refund will be issued to a student who drops any noncredit course prior to the start of the first class. Exceptions to this policy will follow those listed in "A. Credit Courses". Online noncredit course fees will be refunded if the student drops prior to noon of the day before the start of the first class, but will not be refunded after that time.
  3. Refunds Amounting to $1 or Less Will Not Be Returned to the Student