Teacher Education Program (TEP) and Professional Experiences

Regulations are subject to change by the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) and/or the University Teacher Education Council. Because of ongoing changes in the TEP, students need to work with their advisors to plan their programs.

Teacher education is a field-based program that provides extensive field experiences with students in area schools. Field experiences assist the University student in understanding the function of public school teaching and practical experiences in methodology. Each professional education course contains a required field experience component. Placements are made in cooperation with instructors and the coordinator of field experiences. Beginning September 1, 2013, all education students are required to complete 200 field experience hours prior to clinical practice/student teaching.

All education majors are required to complete field experiences prior to student teaching. Program specific requirements for field experiences are noted in the current TEP Handbook.

Students must successfully complete the PRAXIS Specialty Exam(s) and the Principles of Learning and Teaching Test with passing scores, as required by the EPSB. Program changes occur as a result of recommendations of the Kentucky Department of Education and/or the EPSB. Students should check with their advisors regarding test requirements prior to completing their programs.

All students are required to purchase Taskstream, an electronic portfolio and assessment system, beginning with EDF 207 or the designated equivalent. Transfer students should purchase Taskstream at the time of transfer to MSU if EDF 207 has already been completed.

Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Students seeking teacher certification must apply for and be admitted to the TEP. Students will be required to meet admission standards concurrent with their application to teacher education. They must select areas of concentration and/or major(s) that are certifiable.

TEP Policies Handbook

The Teacher Education Program Policies Handbook is revised annually. This booklet may be viewed and downloaded online at https://www.moreheadstate.edu/academics/colleges/education/teacher-education-program/. The policies set forth in the current handbook must be met at the time of application.

TEP Admission Requirements

Any student applying to the TEP must first be admitted to the University. Failure to apply at the sophomore level may result in an extended program. 

Transfer students who were admitted to the TEP at another Kentucky institution may submit evidence of their admission to the TEP coordinator immediately upon admission to MSU. Transfer students must meet all other criteria for admission as listed. 

To gain admission to the program, the applicant must schedule an advising session with their assigned College of Education advisor to review eligibility requirements. After the advising session, the applicant may submit the electronic application for official review by the TEP Coordinator. Once the TEP Coordinator screens these items, students are required to complete an orientation with the TEP Coordinator. The Coordinator will make a recommendation to the Teacher Education Council about the TEP admission.

Transfer of appropriate education courses from another institution is contingent upon successful completion of required field experiences in the public schools and clinical experiences on campus. Documentation is required. The appropriate department in the College of Education shall approve substitution of education courses. No transfer grades below "C" are accepted in the IECE, early elementary, middle grades, or special education programs.

Education courses completed more than five years prior to readmission or initial admission in a provisional certification program shall be reviewed for program needs or deficiencies. The appropriate department in the College of Education shall conduct the review.

Retention in the TEP is dependent upon maintaining admission requirements. Any student whose admission is deferred or suspended may reapply for admission once each semester.

Content Areas

Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Grades and Special Education

Students in early childhood, elementary and middle grades education must select an area in either interdisciplinary early childhood (teaching certification in birth to primary); early elementary (teaching certification in grades P-5); or middle grades (teaching certification in grades 5-9). Students in special education must select an area in either learning and behavior disorders (LBD) or moderate and severe disabilities (MSD). Within each of those areas, a student will choose dual certification in special education and either P-5 certification or 5-9 certification and may teach in both special education and general education.

There are also non-teaching majors and minors in community support services for persons with disabilities and child development.

Secondary Education Content Areas

Students seeking initial secondary certification are required to complete a bachelor's degree from the following teaching preparation programs: biological science, chemistry, English, geosciences, mathematics, physics or social studies. Students must maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA.

Other Education Content Areas

Students seeking certification in the following areas are required to complete a bachelor's degree in that area and will be certified in grades 5-12: agriculture, business and information technology and industrial education.

Students seeking certification in the following areas are required to complete a bachelor's degree in that area and will be certified in grades P-12: art, theatre, and music.

Recommendation for Certification

Regulations of the Kentucky Department of Education stipulate that the applicant for a teacher's certificate (Statement of Eligibility) must be recommended by the institution offering the teacher preparation program. Recommendation for statement of eligibility will be limited to those students completing their professional semester at MSU. Since certification regulations may change, students who wish to have an institutional recommendation for a statement of eligibility must meet all certification requirements in effect at the time of their application for certification.

All applicants for initial certification (Statement of Eligibility) in Kentucky shall pass the appropriate PRAXIS Specialty Exams and Principles of Learning and Teaching Test.