MSUTeach Requirements

The required coursework for each content area or major is described in the College of Science section of the MSU catalog under its respective program, e.g. biology, chemistry, earth science, mathematics, or physics. Each of these programs has a MSUTeach Track.

The coursework for all MSUTeach Tracks is as follows:

  1. UTCH 100: Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (1 credit hour)
  2. UTCH 150: Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (1 credit hour)
  3. UTCH 200: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3 credit hours)
  4. UTCH 250: Perspectives on Science and Mathematics (3 credit hours)
  5. UTCH 300: Classroom Interactions (3 credit hours)
  6. UTCH 315: Functions and Modeling (3 credit hours, not required for all programs, check your major/area)
  7. UTCH 360: Research Methods ( 3 credit hours)
  8. UTCH 410: Project-based Instruction (3 credit hours)
  9. UTCH 450: Apprentice Teaching (12 credit hours)

    Students must meet the following requirements to enroll in UTCH 450: Apprentice Teaching:

    1. Successfully completed all MSUTeach (except UTCH 450) coursework with a grade of "C" or better.
    2. Successfully completed ENG 100, COMS 108, and General Education Math with a grade of "C" or better.
    3. Passed Praxis I exams.
    4. Have an active Folio 180 account.
    5. Passed MSUTeach preliminary portfolio.
    6. Submission of MSUTeach Application for Apprentice Teaching by March 1 for Fall Apprentice Teaching or by October 1 for Spring Apprentice Teaching.
    7. Completed required field experience hours in all needed categories.
    8. Earned a GPA of 2.75 (on a 4-point scale, no rounding up) on all of the following:
      • Cumulative - all coursework (including transfer credit)
      • All course work completed at Morehead State University
      • All content coursework in major or area
      • All MSUTeach courses
    9. Submitted scores for the appropriate Praxis II exams.
    10. Candidate must have a bona fide MSUTeach content major for teacher certification.
    11. Filed the results of a current physical examination including a TB risk assessment.
    12. AFTER candidate is notified of his/her school placement, contact the district central office to secure information related to that district’s protocol for completing a criminal background check. A criminal background check MUST be on file within the district PRIOR to clinical practice.
    13. If required by the school district, candidate must follow procedures for completing a drug screening.

For further information, contact the MSUTeach Office at 606-783-9036 or your advisor.