Goal 2
Retention/Persistence and Degree Completion - To support the overall success and retention of a diverse student body
- Provide support structures from recruitment to degree completion focused on under-represented minority students.
- Use predictive analytics to proactively identify “at-risk” students to aid in retention.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of and provide sustained support for services and courses provided to underprepared students in English and math.
- Utilize comprehensive tools that focus on student success by providing the opportunity for coordinated case management.
- Implement High Impact Learning Practices (internships/practicums, clinical experiences, student research projects, study abroad, service learning, mentorships) with a goal of all undergraduate students participating in at least one High Impact activity.
- Provide opportunities for career exploration and planning with a means for students to illustrate academic, engagement and leadership experiences throughout the educational career.
- Create a first-year experience that includes meaningful academic experiences, cohort-building, leadership and civic opportunities, diversity training, career planning and financial literacy.
- Expand peer mentoring/coaching groups to increase student success.
- Evaluate and improve the student employment experiences to ensure meaningful work/career experiences.
- Provide intentional/intrusive advising for all first-year, sophomore and other key student populations.
- Develop a campus wide training model for advising (both professional and faculty advising) for all colleges.
- Create and implement a Sophomore Experience.
- Improve the process for identifying students who are near degree completion with financial need, distributing funds and monitoring progress of students who receive them.
- Expand and invest in mental health support services for students.
- Develop a model to help students navigate and assist with campus-wide communication of University policies, procedures and appropriate contacts.
- Allocate adequate resources, both financial and personnel, to provide co-curricular experiences outside of the classroom to include campus life, the arts and diversity/multicultural events.
- Create a communication plan that incorporates campus-wide usage of an interactive calendar.