Goal 2

Offer innovative, high quality, effectively delivered academic programs that attract and retain students and promote academic success


  1. Offer courses that are of high quality, grounded in theory, and delivered with excellent pedagogy.
  2. Develop more extensive on-campus summer programming that might include programs such as requiring underprepared students to attend the Summer Success Academy.
  3. Enhance the Honors Program.
  4. Evaluate current academic program offerings - maintain programs that are consistent with MSU’s mission, grow high-quality programs and develop new programs that produce successful graduates.
  5. Retain and provide funding for current accreditations and attainment of new accreditations.
  6. Develop and maintain a cohesive General Education program.
  7. Increase the number and quality of programs and courses delivered online.
  8. Enhance the learning experience for online students, developing an engaging university experience for online students and ensuring that online faculty have proper resources and support.
  9. Develop a robust course scheduling approach that integrates multiple terms and sessions.