Outcomes (Performance-Based Funding)

Morehead State University will strengthen its financial position through alignment with the state’s performance-based funding model supported by strategic resource reallocation decisions and overall sound fiscal management.

Goal 2

Optimize facilities footprint


  1. Confirm that all MSU square footage is being coded correctly and explore space reallocation to maximize potential under the performance-based funding model.
  2. Update the campus master plan based on a cost-benefit analysis of all University properties and programs.
  3. Explore ways to generate new revenue with existing square footage through a more efficient utilization of space – including during offline periods.

Goal 3

Increase targeted investment in instruction and student support services


  1. Invest in comprehensive advising tools focused on student success.
  2. Explore models for fractionalized workloads for staff to utilize expertise and to optimize funding based on direct instructional costs in the performance funding model.
  3. Increase investment in targeted retention programs for under-represented minority students.

Goal 4

Increase enrollment through targeted recruitment programs


  1. Increase the number of transfer students from KCTCS through an expansion of articulation/transfer agreements.
  2. Increase the MSU matriculation of students participating in the Eagle Scholars program through more frequent and planned contact with the University faculty/staff.
  3. Optimize the University’s student scholarship program to enhance enrollment including that of out-of-state and international students.
  4. Increase investment in merit-based scholarships for deserving Craft Academy, Governor’s Scholars, Governors School for the Arts, Governors School for Entrepreneurs, and other gifted student high school program participants, specifically targeting those students who have attended programs at MSU.
  5. Competitively position the University among regional comprehensive universities with respect to cost of attendance.

Goal 5

Reallocate resources in support of the core University mission


  1. Reallocate resources to support the “direct cost of educating students” category of the performance funding model by increasing the amount spent on actual instruction and seeking efficiencies in support areas not primarily designed to enroll students or track their academic progress.
  2. Develop and apply a consistent process for assessing the University’s portfolio of degree programs to ensure both relevance and financial viability.
  3. Incentivize development of revenue-generating programs.
  4. Evaluate and develop alternatives to effectively manage the University’s rising pension costs.

Goal 1

Direct resources in support of high potential return Outcomes-Based Components of Performance-Based Funding Model


  1. Increase support for “high-impact learning” practices to increase retention and progression rates.
  2. Evaluate models to increase graduate enrollment including differential tuition pricing models and enhanced graduate assistant packages.
  3. Support innovative course scheduling and program delivery models, which could enhance progression.
  4. Invest in record-keeping technologies and processes needed to provide current and accurate information related to performance funding model metrics.